Storyteller Characters
These are the characters you may encounter while playing within Seattle by Night. While some of them are canon to Bloodlines 2 and the game has yet to be released, we’ve carefully crafted their own backgrounds and stories based on all the different sources released as well as what suits best for the server.
*Any and all canon characters to BL2 belong to Paradox Interactive including their pictures, while we use their likeness and what we have determined them to be like based on videos and other pieces of information. We have taken creative freedom to form a fully idealized character. How we portray them may be inaccurate to the games.
No Player Positions of Power
In order to ensure equal play and to prevent player to player ooc clashes, all characters with factional power are restricted to being controlled by staff and all choices/repercussions are vetted through the team. They will not be removed and replaced by player characters at any point in our stories.
Table of Contents
> These characters cannot be major plot points of your characters background and instead may only be met inplay.
> They are only interactable when a ST is playing them either by request or when they are placed in a public setting with an approachable tag. Please let the ST know ahead of time if you plan to meet with them.
The Camarilla
Alec Cross
The Ventrue Prince of Seattle and the leader of the Camarilla faction. He gained his position as Prince, displacing Lou Grand, sometime around the millennium. A tech mogul with ever expanding influence, he has turned the city into what it is now. His leadership is no joke and his power is unquestionable. Attempting to act like Nines Rodriguez did during court will not be taken lightly by Prince Alec Cross. He is no Sebastian LaCroix.
This is a Canon Character.*
Camarilla’s Secretary
The Secretary to Cross. It’s rumored she is the one actually writing the letters.
This is a Canon Character*
Keeper of Elysium
A wispy haired lady stands at the entrance of the Elysium; her eyes scan you, piercing into your soul and deep into your spine. You’ll feel her dark stare every time you enter, looking for something, anything.
Mo Malone
The Sheriff of the city standing at 5’8, with an androgynous figure and the posture of a soldier. They are usually seen working the bar at the Elysium with a different bland face each time you see them. Even when their face is revealed, one sees a rather plain acne-filled Nosferatu. Mo prefers to be a watcher staying in the background either via Obfuscate or social stealth, allowing their subordinates to manage the tasks they assign. When it really matters Mo is more than ready to be the executioner and use their license to kill with glee for the security of the Domain.
A kindred with a dry sense of humor and serious demeanor. She rarely talks about herself and past, but has hints of someone who was a state agent in a past life. She is very objective focused and works to fulfill her role with efficiency and precision.
Gruff and uninterested in much beyond getting the job done. Those approached by this person know that whatever job they are about to receive is crucial to the city.
A Moroccan Banu Haqim blood sorcerer who will teach those within the faction. Prizes himself as a teacher and diplomat, always keeps up on court happenings.
Hadriana moon
Luna Winery Owner
The vintner owner of Luna Winery provides bloodwine and other blood alcohols to kindred lucky enough to meet her and be in her good graces. She stocks parties and events and may even be willing to share the Ritual necessary to create her prized vintages.
Lou GRand
Faction leader/ex-prince
The once long-reigning Prince of Seattle is now retired and beneath Alec Cross. Lamenting for the days gone by, Lou leads the Pioneers and works to build the city to how it once was.
This is a canon character.*
Not too much is known about him, but he serves as bodyguard for Lou Grand during events. Don’t mess with the Pioneers unless you want to deal with him.
This is a canon character.*
Victor Goga
Faction leader
Known as the “Professor,” he leads the Illuminare faction. Described as being charismatic and a visionary, taking control of the University District.
This is a canon character.*
Elif Parmak
A Tremere representative of the Iluminare and right hand of Victor Goga.
This is a canon character.*
Dion Morris
Prominent Member
Former punk rock occultist turned Tremere. Looks aside, he is very intelligent, sly, and vindictive. Will do whatever necessary to curry favor for the Tremere under Cross’ reign. He knows the importance of keeping the clan useful to the Camarilla, and even more so the importance of the Illuminare staying in the city’s good graces.
Possible Member
Players from BL1 will remember this iconic character, why she’s in Seattle is still a mystery. But we know she’s back to call us “Cammy scum.”
This is a canon character.*
Tiffany “Tiff” Bourne
prominent Member
She is a tough girl™ who just wants to keep the Cam’s boot off her neck and other licks out of her business, and make a little money. She finds the Anarchs are the best people to align with, though she has some pull with the Baron. She does jobs with Lorenzo typically, handling more hands-on street oriented work.
prominent member
A combat boot babe who has little patience for others’ antics. Those who cross her tend to meet both sides of her bat, but she’ll die for her fellow comrades.
Revealed to be a member of the Baron faction, she was the lieutenant of the Baron, prior to the Baron’s removal from power and the union of their faction with the Anarchs.
This is a canon character.*
Mr. Damp
A kindred formerly working for the Baron, he is very sociopathic with an enthusiastic appreciation of death and violence. Even with this, he is structured, using a “list” to track those who he will harm.
This is a canon character.*
Lorenzo Santiago
Prominent Member
Wants to change the hearts and minds of kindred to see the corruption of Cam. Is the personable talker also a tricky, cunning little lick. Willing to lie and deceive for Anarch Goals. Has been a tag team with Tiff for decades, he is the “face” of the two.
prominent member
A businesswoman who considers the “urban jungle” and the business world her hunting territory. A boardroom Gangrel. Sharklike practices, but not a thief or someone who abuses her wealth and position to punch down. Had her company, Panorama (in Ballard) burnt down by SI via Kesler, is rebuilding. Deals in urban green spaces and urban planning a lot; her money sustained Baron operations, and now Anarch ops instead. Instrumental in taking down the old Baron.
Prominent member
Known to most by his ‘nom de guerre,’ Chernobog will tell you he has been an actor almost since birth, raised in a touring company and continuing the trend on through his embrace. In modern nights, he runs a very popular vampire-themed LARP group and teaches acting classes for adult learners in a night school; arrogant and embodying the word ‘broody,’ he seems to always be in character — surely that’s why he usually wears a trench coat and those little round red-tinted sunglasses, right? But don’t underestimate him for playacting the vampire; he’s ruthlessly Lasombra to the core. Instrumental in taking down the old Baron.
Prominent member
A Free Ventrue who has been on the west coast since the 1930’s, Knuckles has been in and out of the Seattle Movement for almost a century. A mysterious figure only recently returned to town, some say Knuckles was involved in the initial Free State revolt and tried to take Seattle for The Movement. In modern nights his loyalty is questioned as he spends most of his time as a mediator between the Tower and Anarchs. His nickname comes from his penchant for beating things out of people during interrogations. He loves his truck, wraps his fingers with bandages and is a notorious flirt.
Clan of Death
Olivia Canche
Clan of Death Councilor
One of three members of the Clan of Death Council faction in Seattle, a Pisanob. She survived with the clan in Mexico over seeing political dealings with the government, crime families, and other kindred. Using her politics and connections to benefit the clan, her necromancy, and collect artifacts. Asked by the newly formed Hecata to go to Seattle to aid the sect in navigating their political movements.
Jean St. August
Clan of Death Councilor
One of three members of the Clan of Death Council in Seattle, a Milliner. In Maryland he worked with investments, hostile takeovers, and power plays back in Maryland for the clan. Newly appointed to Seattle to aid in clan security and organization. He has connections with law enforcement, security firms, and legal firms.
Broden Dunsirn
Prominent Member
Broden is often nervous looking, but mentally very sharp. A financially minded Scottish Dunsirn who once was under his sire’s thrall, but Seattle events freed him allowing him to fully back the Reunion. He has skills in money laundering, investments, and accountancy. Formerly posed as a Ventrue in the old Baron faction, still has ties to the now Anarch members.
The Counsel of Three “The Speakers”
Faction leader
The leaders of the Unseen faction, guiding and helping their people survive among the homeless and loners of Seattle.
This is a canon character.*
The questgiver
A Nosferatu representative for the Unseen who lives and resides within the Seattle Underground. A tech manager during the 80s, who offers information to others… at a price.
This is a canon character.*
Withering Rose OWner
The owner of the Withering Rose now that the establishment relocated to the underground. He wears outrageously colored suits and sometimes presents the stage performers. An upbeat personality, but that shouldn’t trick kindred into thinking they know his moods.
Primogen and Clan Representatives
Banu Haqim Primogen
A scholarly and quiet man, Rook projects an aura of grounded calm, giving the impression he is gentle, which is true, and harmless, which is not. His feet are firmly fixed upon his current course; and his loyalty to the Camarilla is firm. He will brook no threat to it, believing that the Tower is the best way to keep kindred safe in modern nights.
Juliette van Cortlandt
Brujah Primogen
Juliette von Cortlandt is a Primogen and businesswoman with a warm smile, sharp eyes, and shred personality. Her deep New York accent and taste for expensive pastels make her a figure that stands out. To ensure the Brujah stay in good graces with Camarilla she is willing to use coin, charm, or fist to do so.
Ade Achebe
Gangrel primogen
A tall, well-built woman from Nigeria, still holds scars and tattoos from life, although they are a bit patchy now from Kindred healing over the years. She is staunchly Camarilla, but even more loyal to her team of operatives, always throwing herself into the fray first to keep the heat from others.Valuing the pack over the individual, Ade is a fierce warrior and knows it, showing little respect to those who haven’t earned it by a method she values, be that reputation, personal power, or great deed.
Hecata Clan representative
An elder of Clan Hecata who will only introduce himself as a Cappadocian, Andrea lives around Comet Lodge Cemetery and has recently found himself drawn into local politics against his natural inclinations. A talented necromancer.
Dalia Way
Lasombra Primogen
Emery Remmington
Malkavian Primogen
A newly appointed Primogen who was tasked with replacing both Collin, the Primogen who despised the Cobweb and the executed Stephen who was working with the Second Inquisition. While they may appear young and unskilled, their mental tricks know no bounds.
Dr. rakesh nayar
The Ministry clan representative
A philosopher and eternal student, Rakesh has embraced the opportunities afforded to the Ministers by shedding the skin of their old doctrine. A proud and vocal member of the Anarch movement, they believe that the freedom of belief and expression given to the individual is the ideal state of being for kindred society, and the ideal environment for Ministers to thrive as they never have before. Proudly claiming a new degree in a new subject with every time they change their name, Rakesh is still always a doctor and has thrived in the modern world where they are able to define themselves as they wish.
Nosferatu Primogen
The word which best describes Queenie is “moxie.” Her sharp Chicago accent and brassy manner, not to mention her ‘night job’ as a burlesque dancer at the Withering Rose, mean she has as many admirers (even some among the Toreador have been known to write her love poetry) as she has those who underestimate her savvy and hustle. And that’s exactly how she likes it. A staunch supporter of her clan’s interests, she came to her position when Cross ousted Lou Grand; and she remains unswervingly loyal to the Boss. He’s earned it, and then some.
Nicholas Tempest
Ravnos Clan representative
Among the many lasting products of Empire is Nicholas Tempest, half-Indian half-British conman, lothario, and magician extraordinaire. Once known in life by the cognomen “The Magician of Whitechapel,” Nicholas remains to this night a silver-tongued devil with a flirtatious spark in his eye and something up both sleeves. He has come to be a relatively trusted member of Clan Ravnos locally by dint of, firstly, having *survived* this long despite the clan’s misfortunes in recent nights; and by the strange fact that despite the Ravnos’s reputation as wanderers, he’s stuck around at least the last twenty years or so. Keep your eyes on his hands, or you’ll miss the magic trick he’s pulling.
Salubri clan representative
Amanda Taylor
Toreador Primogen
A Camarilla loyalist and enthusiast, she works for Prince Cross as a Harpy, and takes on any roles that require a delicate social touch. She prides herself on being unusually pleasant for a Kindred, although lies and disrespect will wear that veneer down, first to a hard, then a sour demeanor. She remembers when people aggravate her in such a way, and will respond with social slights and ruining of reputations rather than any physical endangerment.
Mercurio di Mannoni
Tremere Primogen
By force or not, Mercurio serves Cross as his personal informant and master of blood sorcery. If connected right, you can get tutoring from him, all you have to do is ask and pay the price. He’s known for his confidence and less than kind approach to those who are unable to prove themselves to him. Befriending him is the best option you can take.
Jiro takahashi
Tzimisce clan Representative
Once an artist so talented and arrogant he showed a mysterious outsider his art who illegally visited Japan at the time. It impressed his future sire so much, she “Acquired him” and took her as her own artist and architecture for her lands in Russia. These night free from his sire’s control and his own man, he has settled in Seattle many decades ago opting to be autarkis. Cutting a life for himself and curating his land to his liking. Even as the clan’s allieance shifts he still sits Autarkis, though unwilling to declare himself for a Sect he has always seen the merit in diplomacy. Working with the came to ensure other Dragons have some voice and his own self interest seemed like the obvious choice. These days artists and builders still attracts his attention and enjoys mingling with them, when he is not preoccupied endless renovations or artistic pursuits on his land.
Enrique Guerrero
Ventrue Primogen
A Ventrue who established himself by playing the game straight down the middle. He’s big, and doesn’t try to hide that, preferring instead to make his presence known and daring enemies to come at him. What he doesn’t take by reputation he takes by force, physical or mental. He knows how to get what he wants, but he knows his limits; when to push and when to bide time, and when something is just beyond him. A survivor who thrives when the game is played by the rules he knows, and serves his Ventrue Prince loyally to keep the Clan of Kings where they belong.
Thin-blood Cam Contact
Acerbic and sardonic in personality and flamboyant in dress, Vane of the Banu Haqim has recently stepped up to serve as the contact for Seattle’s Thin-blooded population. He is not a gentle sort and does not shy from severe measures, but takes his responsibilities very seriously.
Other SPCs
Matilda Meadows
Autarkis Kindred
A recluse who lives with her ghouls in Lynnwood. Comes to town on occasion to deal in exotic or mysterious items she has collected. A book of interest from her Tremere lover was stolen by the Anarchs. She is unsure which faction stole it, but knows who stole it.
The Second Inquisition
The current leader of the Second Inquisition, she’s out for kindred blood and she won’t stop till she eradicates them all.
Second in Command
The right hand of Mary, a ruthless and cold man with a slew of men to aid his and Mother Mary’s goals.
One of twin brothers, a known gymrat and functioning bodyguard.
The other twin brother, also a known gymrat and bodyguard.
Insurance Telemarketer with plenty of tricks up his sleeves.
An undercover drug dealer working for the police force in Seattle, but he’s undercover with more than one thing.
The local cable company can’t afford to lose her, her skills at communication searching are top tier.
Another mole in the system, a detective working under the guise of a blood bag dealer. Looking to strike at the next weakest target.
He’s the old man who lives down the street and yells at kids to get off his lawn, but he also owns and runs a local junkyard with his dogs.
A manipulative young woman doing whatever it takes to climb the corporate ladder.
A sweet old woman, doing her best as the world flies by her with her pawnshop.
We all know someone like Aaron, the young barista kid who spends far too much time hopping bar from bar rather than on himself.
A currently unemployed informant with a crippling addiction.
This small time artist is trying to make herself a name in the art world, but just can’t catch a break with her anatomy inspired candles.