
These are the kindred embraced within the last decade, the lowest on the ranking list of kindred. They must learn to contain the Beast, learn how to navigate their nights and survive as kindred before they can worry about focusing on status and political moves. These kindred are usually taken under the wing of a Mawla character, either as an adoptive ward figure or their actual sire. Those not taken as a ward and left abandoned by a sire are usually illegal embraces within the Camarilla court; and more often than not face death by the hands of the Prince. Depending on their age, they should know about the Six Traditions and Kindred-only establishments like Elysium, at minimum.


  • Learn Vampire Lore and how to play VtM alongside your character.
  • Consequences of mistakes will be less severe, since the character is viewed as a childe and the fault for their mistakes is held to be the sire’s primarily.
  • Lower expectations of the character, with fewer responsibilities.


  • Weaker than older kindred.
  • Prone to being manipulated by older kindred.
  • Command less respect than those who are older and will have to work harder to gain recognition.



Kindred in age and rank between Fledglings and Ancillae, embraced between 1940 and ten years ago. These kindred have proven that they know what they are doing, for the most part. They are starting to work their way into kindred society and know about just about everything they need to, and maybe a bit more. They aren’t powerful enough to really matter and often end up as pawns to other kindred, but they are stronger than fledglings and can put up a good fight. They know how kindred society works, how to act, what boons are, and what are the rules are. There won’t be many situations which arise in which they don’t have at least some idea of what’s going on.


  • More knowledgeable about kindred society and knows how to act.
  • Most likely have been officially Released by their sire and are on their own.
  • Afforded a bit more respect due to their age and presumable knowledge.


  • Higher expectations and more responsibilities.
  • They are most likely not under Accounting anymore, meaning they free from their sire’s influence and also their sire’s protection.
  • Still manipulated by older kindred to do their bidding.




As the Elders were called off by the Beckoning, the Ancillae were left behind to tend and care for kindred society. Embraced from 1780 up to 1940, these kindred may be a bit archaic in their views.  But they are vampires who have proven themselves useful in kindred society, or done well enough to have survived thus far. These kindred should be presumed to be adept in the power games played by all vampires, and may have schemes of their own, separate from those of below the authorities of their faction. 


  • The oldest playable kindred, as the Elders have left for the Beckoning
  • Stronger than other kindred and more knowledgeable in kindred affairs
  • They have a lot more experience with the world and have gotten more used to the way things work


  • High expectations of these characters from their political factions, due to their age.
  • Mistakes can cost them a lot more if they are careless or make bad decisions.
  • Often have dated or archaic views, having been unable to keep up with the changing world.




The Brujah, also called the Rabble, the Rebels, and the Punks. The stereotype is that all Brujah are all bikers, activists, punks, debaters, and anyone challenging the norms of society, fighting for a cause. The vocal and forthright Brujah are eager to punch back at the system and damn the man. That is not all there is to them, of course; the Clan also counts among it those who are critical thinkers, preferring intellectual thought and academic arguments. These philosophers may aim to change the whole system instead, or to win over the hearts and minds of the masses. Whichever version or mix of Brujah met it is certain the clan is known for its passion. The saying goes that the only thing that can stop a stubborn Brujah’s drive is arguing with another Brujah who disagrees.

The Brujah look to fill their ranks by seeking those who rebel against oppression. They may be said to create their own clan stereotype by embracing the bad, mad and dangerous types who stand up for what they believe in, no matter the cost. There is however another type of Brujah, the intellectuals, the theorists — the philosopher-kings who may prefer the power of their mind over the power of their body.

  • Rabblerousers
  • Punks
  • Hipsters
  • Rebels
  • Philosopher-Kings

Brujah embraced in Russia are high clan. Those embraced in Seattle or elsewhere are low clan.


The Gangrel have always been independent, unruly and more comfortable in the wild places of the world than any other clan. So when the news began to spread that the clan was defecting from the Camarilla to join the Anarchs, many Kindred wondered why it had taken them so long. Indeed, there had always been a great many Gangrel among the Unbound, but the majority of the clan had served the Ivory Tower since its inception. These nights, the situation is reversed and life has gotten exceptionally more complicated for the few that didn’t follow the pack. Regarded with suspicion by the Camarilla and hatred by their Anarch cousins, the loyal hounds will have to work hard to carve out a piece of the night for themselves. As for those who’ve finally shaken free of the leash, there’s no doubt they have a bone or two to pick with their former masters.

Gangrel favour free spirits and adventurers, those willing and able to strike out on their own and face the world head on. Survivalists and keen fighters, as well as those whose actions make others take notice and follow, are always welcome among the outcasts. The clan recruits from all walks of life, caring little for wealth, status or material possessions. Indeed, anyone who has lost it all but remained unbroken, determined to continue placing one foot in front of the other, is likely to impress a potential Gangrel sire. Some particularly picky sires might subject their childer to a grueling set of rituals and initiations to earn their place in the pack. Succeed and you’re welcomed with open arms; fail and you’ll be lucky to only be abandoned.

  • Animals
  • Ferals
  • Barbarians
  • Outcasts
  • Strays

Gangrel are low clan.


The Malkavians are an enigma through and through. Some say that even they don’t entirely understand themselves. The ignorant look down upon them as jesters and clowns, unreliable and unpredictable with a penchant for speaking nonsense. More informed Kindred know that when a Malkavian speaks, no matter the circumstances, you listen. The Children of Malkav were a founding member of the Camarilla and remain a critical part of the sect to this day; how could that be the case if they were truly mad? The Masquerade would have shattered long ago if that were the case. In truth, their uncanny ability to see and hear what others can’t has helped keep Kindred society intact since time immemorial.

The Malkavians typically embrace those who see the world in a different light, one way or another. Mediums and spirit board enthusiasts, keepers of dream journals and tarot card readers are likely to draw the wandering eye of Malkav. Seekers of knowledge and those who dive deep into the human psyche are also frequent embraces, with the clan boasting more therapists and psychologists than any other. Finally, and heavily contributing to the many misinterpretations of the Malkavian curse, the mentally ill are often targets for the embrace. Wayward souls who can’t put their trauma behind them or those who have never quite fit in. It is important to note that the ‘fishmalk’ of v20 is long gone; in v5, the Malkavian bane is only active on a bestial fail and is a supernatural affliction, not something which affects the vampire at all times.

  • Oracles
  • Psychological Masters
  • Misunderstood
  • Conspiracy Theorists
  • Spiritualists

Malkavians are low clan.


The Nosferatu are hideous. And though they hate to admit it, their appearance defines them as a clan. It keeps them isolated and out of the public eye, often underground in sewers and abandoned tunnels. This forced isolation brings the clan together and fosters a sense of loyalty that they would say is unrivaled. Though the other clans might prefer the Nosferatu stay out of sight, both their usefulness and effectiveness are undeniable. They excel as enforcers and spies; and collectively grasp modern technology like no other clan. With an almost insatiable desire for secrets and information, it’s a good idea to assume there’s a Nosferatu at every major Kindred gathering, whether you can see them or not.

Being embraced into the Nosferatu is incredibly painful. The body undergoes a marked physical change as boils, scars and/or other malformations and mutations twist the body into a new appearance. The Nosferatu embrace for many reasons, often  searching for those who may offer the clan valuable resources such as technological skills or talents related to researching into secrets. They also may embrace out of spite or pettiness, in order to turn a once blooming star into a hideous creature.

  • Sewer Rats
  • Lepers
  • Vagrants
  • Hidden
  • Scabs

Nosferatu are low clan.


A clan often known for elitism in the arts and everything else avant-garde and beautiful or sophisticated, like the Brujah, the Toreador are said to be the best kindred to seamlessly mingle with the kine.  The clan of roses obsess over the certain sparks within humanity; art, literature, music, even niche vocation. They yearn to recapture the sensation of life no matter how fleeting. The Toreadors are cursed by their uncontrolled sensuality and obsession with beauty. It is a mistake to assume them to be only sex- or beauty-obsessed kindred however;  beauty is power after all. Love can make someone do unimaginable things, and this is the devotion of the Toreador.

While they are known to target artists and critics of various fields, they are also prone to make dubious choices when obsessed by the fleeting beauty of a prospective childe or the situation itself; the obsessed Toreadors might embrace someone seeming unsuited to the clan merely because the scene enraptured them irresistibly. Many divas, one-hit wonders and shallow beautiful bodies are ushered into the night due to these fits of rapture and obsession. A twist of cruel irony for either embrace; some Toreadors lose interest in their childe. They fall victim to the paradox of embracing to capture the human beauty or art of a person, only for immortality to tarnish what they first admired.

  • Divas
  • Artists
  • Hedonists
  • Seductresses
  • Sensates

Toreador are high clan.


The Tremere are also known as blood mages, warlocks, and most infamously, the Usurpers. They are one of the two clans which are masters of blood sorcery. The Tremere were not one of the original 13 clans of the night, but carved their place into the Damned through dark magic, cunning, and diablerie.  In the middle ages, a group of mages found immortality through experiments on kindred. To solidify their claim they destroyed a clan and devoured its founder; then protected themselves by allying with the Camarilla. The clan formed their own inner organization known as the Pyramid, a strict hierarchy forged in blood bonds and with its head chantry in Vienna. In modern nights, the Vienna Chantry was destroyed, their clan has broken into factions, and they have lost the ability to blood bond kindred. There are three major Tremere factions remaining: Camarilla-aligned House Tremere, Camarilla-aligned (but Anarch-sympathetic) House Carna, and Anarch-aligned House Ipsissimus.

Four houses of the clan each look for something different in their recruits. House Tremere are loyalists to the Pyramid and often choose to embrace the learned and academically-inclined, though enforcers are also appreciated to help physically guard their secrets. The new House Carna led by their namesake, looks for nonconformists, new agers, and experimentalists. House Ipsissimus, the sole Anarch House, emphasizes the individual and their relation to magic with elements of transcendence. They have the most freeform embrace patterns. Last is the mysterious House Goratrix, supposed Sabbat-aligned. Little is known of Goratrix; and they are seen as embracing vile occultists and sadistic scientists.

  • Usurpers
  • Thaumaturges
  • Blood Mages
  • Transgressors
  • Warlocks/Witches

Tremere embraced in Seattle are high clan. Those embraced elsewhere are low clan.


The Ventrue claim to be the natural leaders of the night, the ones who bear the burden of ruling the damned. Others see them as nothing more than domineering tyrants. Each view holds a kernel of truth, as the Clan of Kings hold more positions of power in the Camarilla than any other clan… for better or worse. Made up of the politically savvy, suave businessmen, talented orators, and any who shows superb aptitude, the clan believes in the strength of Tradition and lineage. While often powerful in human society as well, many are forced to hide their vampiric nature by serving as reclusive CEOs, shadow bankers, silent business partners, and the like. More so than some clans, the Ventrue believe in putting clan before sect or faction.

The Ventrue are very particular with their embraces, often discussing potential childer with trusted peers and elders. The clan believes that proven ability to rule over the inferior makes one perfect for inclusion in the clan. The usual first step is to blood bond and ghoul a potential childe. After the Ventrue has time to adequately appraise their ghouled candidate, they will give the embrace. As a Ventrue’s childe reflects heavily on their sire, the first few fledgling years consist of learning the clan’s ways, culture, and how to conduct one self in kindred society in a constant test of knowledge and ability known as the agoge. At last, an assignment is given and they are sent out to establish themselves without aid and thus prove themselves worthy. Success means a seat at the table; failure at any stage means a shunned kindred who has wasted the blood of the clan.

  • Tyrants
  • Blue Bloods
  • Kings/Queens
  • Borgias
  • Warlords

Ventrue are high clan.


Known as the clanless, they are kindred without a connection to any the 13 main clans. Often Caitiff merely wander the night, attempting to blend into kindred society however they can manage. Hiding their true nature is usually the best option they can try, but lies always come to the surface and when they do… Things don’t usually go well. With potentially any vampiric discipline within their grasp, they can be jacks of all trades; but they are also held in suspicion, if not contempt, by kindred of all clans.

Something went wrong during the embrace, and whoever the sire was, whatever clan or bloodline they hailed from, the childe came out… different. Perhaps it is some strange quirk of the blood, or a mutation. No one quite knows why Caitiff occur. They lack the true bane and compulsion which are otherwise endemic to kindred, and can develop any disciplines without reference to what normally arises in their bloodline. Often killed, Shunned or cast out when their Caitiff status is discovered, these kindred are nearly as despised as the thin-bloods.

  • Orphans
  • Trash
  • Scum
  • Freestylers
  • Panders

Caitiff are not considered a clan. 


According to elders and other kindred, Thinbloods are the lowest of the low. Some still say they’re a sign of Gehenna; others just think they’re worthless mistakes. With many Thinbloods lacking vampiric disciplines and any strength of blood, they are often regarded as being little more than a glorified ghoul. Some fullbloods fear the Thinblood ability to walk in the daylight. Thinblood abilities may vary widely from person to person; some are skilled in the bizarre magical science called Thinblood alchemy, while others remain so lifelike they blend perfectly into mortal daily life. What path they take is up to them, but be warned, fullbloods by and large despise them and benevolent neglect is the best that can be expected of others. Without the protection of their elders, thinbloods are at the mercy of many dangers.

The further from the progenitor, the weaker the blood. In most cases, this means little; blood potency can increase with time. But the blood has thinned too far, in some cases. Generations higher than the 13th are almost always too removed from Caine for their blood to bear the full strength of a vampire’s gifts. Embraced intentionally or by accident, these fledglings are often cast out and abandoned, if they are not killed outright. With their blood so weak, not many stand a chance against the older kindred in the night.

  • Duskborn
  • Run-Off
  • Weaklings
  • Chameleons
  • Mercurians

The Thin-blooded are not considered a clan.


Many would call the Lasombra cruel social Darwinists; and though the clan is far older than the concept, that isn’t entirely inaccurate. The Lasombra were one of the High Clans, the Masters of Estate; and it shows to this day in the way the clan carries itself. Ruthless in their pursuits, the Magisters’ pursuit of dominance over others ranges from interpersonal manipulation through outright violence. Their mastery over the arts of Oblivion, through which they can control and command  shadows, the Lasombra remind the creatures of the night what it is to be afraid of the dark. In modern nights, a portion of the Lasombra clan left the Sabbat — which had  weakened by the Inquisition and the Beckoning — and joined the Camarilla to seek power anew. 

Lasombra embrace from many walks of life, but they usually choose from those whom they believe would thrive in the clan — those with sufficient drive to resist their exposure to the “dark side,” and with no tolerance for the weak. From activists and religious zealots to crime lords, their choices influence and shape the clan’s stereotype as ruthless powerplayers and manipulators.


  • Magisters
  • Keepers
  • Shadows
  • Traitors
  • Turncoats

Lasombra are high clan.

The Ministry

A clan claiming lineage from the Egyptian Antediluvian, Set. Infamous for its supposed drive toward corruption, the Ministry is actually a clan of contrasts, comprising both freedom-seekers and liars. The clan would tell you they are not corruptors, but seek to free others of the chains of illusion and misunderstanding which limit their full potential. They entice mortals and kindred alike to break social norms and cross moral lines as a glimpse of true liberation. Members of clans are always wary of these kindred with silver tongues, but the Ministers are nevertheless tolerated for their usefulness and versatility. They are often active in the black market, procuring vices of all kinds for their clients in order to test their resistance to liberation.

In modern nights the clan has split in two; on the one hand is the orthodox Church of Set, and on the other is the Anarch-aligned Ministry of Set… who may or may not follow the faith but are of the same blood as the Church. Both branches tend to embrace similar individuals: the spiritual, the conniving, and the learned. What is most important about the embrace is for there to be some degree of loneliness or disillusionment to society at large. This allows the Minister to worm their way into their future childe’s life and begin breaking down their world view to free them of their chains. The embraced are never forced — but are encouraged — to follow the ways of the clan. However, those who give away clan secrets are met with long, cruel, and quite creative punishments.

  • Setites
  • Followers of Set
  • Liars
  • Liberators
  • Serpents

Ministry/Setites embraced in Egypt and surrounding areas are high clan. Those embraced in Seattle and elsewhere in the world are low clan.

Banu Haquim

The Children of Haqim, or as they are commonly known, the Judges, are driven by a need to punish the guilty, a need oftentimes at odds with their own nature as deadly predators with a taste for the blood of their own. Dangerous assassins or cunning manipulators, the clan of the Judges is unforgiving and stern. Despite having kept themselves apart from kindred politics for many centuries, with the awakening of one of their Methuselahs the Banu Haqim were divided, and many sought out and joined the Camarilla. The alliance was forged by a blood bond between members of the two factions, in the event known as the Red Wedding.

The Banu seek to embrace capable mortals with skill to deal with dangerous situations. From law students to soldiers and assassins, the ranks of the Banu are filled with their ideals kept in mind. Those of the Banu Haqim are known for their religious fervor at times, with most of them cleaving to the faith they held in mortal days. But in modern nights the clan is no longer of a solely religious bent but also embraces legal scholars, militant killers, and members of law enforcement — those whose sense of right and wrong is firm and clear will often appeal to the prospective sires.

  • Assassins
  • Mediators
  • Lawmen
  • Assamites
  • Hunters

Banu Haqim embraced in Ashirra regions are high clan. Those embraced in Seattle and non-Ashirra domains are low clan.


The Hecata are not a new clan; but a new face worn by a collective of the old. The various bloodlines of the Giovanni, Cappadocians, Nagaraja, and Samedi, in a series of events known as the Family Reunion, removed or overthrew (or ate) their elders, merging the several Clans of Death into one. One of the last great independant factions, the Hecata and the Camarilla are bound to a tentative peace enforced by an ancient treaty known as the Promise — which is set to expire soon. With the Reunion, a strange change has occurred; the Cappadocians, Samedi, Harbinger and others now suffer the excruciating Painful Kiss bane of the Giovanni.

The Hecata most often embrace from within the ranks of their own mortal families, particularly among the several family lines of the dynastic-inclined Giovanni. These prospective embraces are often ghouled for some times beforehand to tested and tried to prove their worthiness for the full gifts of the blood. All embraces are chosen to shore up the strength of the clan, either to fill a gap in some area or because the strength of the individual would add to the strength of the clan. They prefer the pragmatic and those of a curious or even morbid bent. From morticians, to doctors and detectives, they aim to embrace those as intertwined with death as they are. Spontaneous, unplanned embraces are highly frowned upon; the Hecata are, above else, a family.

  • Famiglia
  • Cult of Death
  • Necromancers
  • Grave robbers
  • Lazarenes

Hecata are high clan.


The Tzimisce are called the Dragon for many reasons. They are a clan of strength who rule what they own with an iron fist and jealously guard it from outsiders, like the dragons on their piles of gold. They are also known to use their special skills to take the forms of beings unnaturally beautiful or creatures of nightmares; they are the masters of their bodies. Older Dragons may define their possession in traditional terms of property, particular regions important to them, or even an area’s people. Younger Dragons can grow possessive over cults, companies, and the like. In both instances they care less that their property is well kept or happy, just that the property is theirs. Their avarice is so great, they need to rest near said items to be at full strength. While known for their role in founding the Sabbat, many young Dragons have gone Anarch to build their own riches and lands.

The Tzimisce embrace is more than just introducing a new kindred into the night, it is the ultimate act of ownership. The Dragon is making a mark on what is theirs, a childe that will forever be marked as theirs, and particularly possessive Tzimisce have been known to see their childer as their literal owned property. Some would even see the destruction of their childer rather than lose them to another. That being said, Tzimisce have strong childe-sire relationships. They usually seek property owners, leaders, and grudge bearers. Over time, childer begin to yearn for items, lands, or people to call their own. This may cause friction with the sire or be encouraged by the sire, depending on individual personality.

  • Dragons
  • The Old Clan
  • Stokers
  • Voivodes

Tzimisce are high clan.


To be a Ravnos is to be a survivor. They were a clan nearly decimated in the opening acts of the Gehenna War. They must stay one step ahead of most of their enemies of the night, from the rival Gangrel of the forests to the unwelcoming Ventrue Princes of the cities. They are used to wandering; their very curse and near destruction still plagues their blood. Spending too many nights in one place starts to burn the Rogue from inside out. They are always one step ahead and rely on their quick wit, charm, and subtlety to live another night. Their most famous, or even infamous, skill is their knack for illusions, beguiling and confusing their enemies. This talent, paired with the general distrust other kindred hold for their clan, is why the Ravnos have been able to remain largely autarkis. Many Ravnos work for the highest bidder as mercenaries, traveling researchers, negotiators, etc; while many others stay off the kindred grid entirely while pursuing any personal goals, mingling with humans or posing as Caitiff. 

The Ravnos often embrace those who have faced risks, either in their lives or the lives of others; they also appreciate those who demonstrate a true sense of adventure. Performance artists, wayfarers, couriers, travelers, venture capitalists, and those who have had to grow thick skin or distance themselves from friends, family, and society. This makes the transition from human to kindred easier on Daredevils; sires target the traveler already accustomed to long stints away from their family, the artist accustomed to barbs thrown their way, and the like. The clan does not boast any formal organization, but they do share a hidden language of signs and signals used to identify one another and conduct informal gatherings. They exchange rumors, advice, stories, and information before their blood urges them to hit the road again.

  • Rogues
  • Ravens
  • Daredevils
  • The Hunted

The Ravnos are low clan.


The Salubri were once thought to have been completely wiped out. A clan shrouded in rumor, it is whispered by some that the clan holds the secret to Golconda, while others say they are warriors who enforced their strict morality on others by the blade, and yet others name them insidious soul eaters who beguile their way through the nights. Salubri are known by their signature third eyes; taking many appearances, the eye on their forehead bleeds when the Salubri call upon the power of their disciplines. Hunted for more reasons than spite, their vitae is sweet enough that hungry kindred may frenzy at the mere smell. In modern nights there are tales of healers trying to soothe the damned souls of kindred, and those of knights cutting down kindred they deem too dangerous. The clan has many enemies, mostly Tremere or enemies their sires have acquired. They are autarkis, as many Princes and Barons believe them more trouble than they are worth. Salubri would likely keep to themselves, but their blood calls them to solve problems for others, willing or unwilling.

While it is hard to nail down specifics of who the Salubri prefer to embrace, there are some trends. Their hard lives and dislike for the kindred condition force Salubri sires to be very selective and personal in their embrace process; usually their chosen childe represents the solution to a problem that the  sire cannot solve on their own. They look for those with inquisitive natures, strong wills, and some who have struggled with personal issues. They may also use the embrace to “save” the terminally ill, those who survived personal tragedies, or those who want the right a wrong in the world; the promise of redemption and salvation for this breed of Salubri childer is tempting. The latter half may be pulled to seek Golconda for personal goals, and to aid others.

  • Cyclops
  • Soul-thieves
  • Dajjals
  • Salut’s Progeny
  • Unicorns

Salubri are low clan