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Aine Lynch - Ravnos

Author By FunkyBird
A rather beautiful crimson haired Ravnos that seemd to be the embodiement of the stereotype roll of what people would call and ‘air head’ nowadays, girlish laughter and way to loud giggles are all to common for her. She tends to lean heavily on her good looks to make things happen. If she truly is one as well that remains to be seen but she sure keeps the appearance up. If you piss her off she might just hack your social media or make sure you are embarrassed in one way or another.

Hattie Blake - Thin-blood

Author By FunkyBird
Hattie is an older Arkansas-born ThinBlood with notoriously bad luck in life and beyond. Scarred both mentally and physically, she tends to be a wary and lonely thing, but can easily be roused to violence in the name of protecting the growing ranks of younger Duskborn.

Mikael Gwenaël - Brujah

Author By NikNic
A fledgling Brujah scholar. Is very passionate about his two areas of study; Archeology and Carthage. Is currently struggling to find his bearings after a sudden drop in Humanity, the world suddenly seems like such a nicer please if you just keep caring less and less right ? Some of Seattle’s kindred society may know him under the nicknames: Storyteller-bro and Rogue for some unknown reason.

Em - Nosferatu

Author By ArchonBun
Em in her natural state. A little pissed, a little done with people’s fuckmuppetry, a little ready to throw down right where you stand. She lives most of her life in hoodies and tank tops, flashing shark-like smiles at the kindred around her, as well as the occasional finger gun.

Clyde “Scabbers” Doe - Nosferatu

Author By NikNic
Two-bit thug, guttertrash, thief, and murderer. Clyde’s been called them through his life, some even before he got embraced. Originally from Seattle he spent a fair bit travelling and working as a courier as Lou Grand’s regime made life difficult for nosferatu of Seattle. Now though Clyde’s finally back home and ready to carve his own little slice of it for himself.

Lizzie Spades - Nosferatu

Author By NikNic
Lizzie Spades Nosferatu Punk is dead, but it got better. Lizzie is a singer, bass player and public nuisance who has arrived in Seattle looking for a new audience. Originally from New York, the restless and energetic Nosferatu is here to kick her way onto the stage and keep the scene alive.

Valeska - Hecata

Author By FunkyBird
Awoken from long Torpor, the old Samedi struggles to find her way in modern day Seattle. A scholar of Kindred history, she has discovered a passion for the cage fighting offered around the more dubious parts of Kindred society. Indifferent to the petty squabble of the Sects she has reluctantly joined the Heccata family, dubious of their purpoted unity but seeing the necessity for mutual support in modern nights. Valeska is an opportunist and survivor, slow to trust but eager to pass on her knowledge to anyone who would listen.

Sahar Maimon - Malkavian

Author By NikNic
Temperate and often difficult to read, Sahar punctuates her long silences with confident, if dogmatic conversation. A woman with a long fuse and an embrace full of political holes, this fledgling Malkavian often maintains a night shift at the University Medical Center as Principle Pathologist. It would be a stretch to say she has concrete opinions on her death, but there are only so many paths to walk, and she knows her time to investigate them is finite.

Liliana's Moment - Toreador

Author By FunkyBird
No Toreador is immune from Moments.

Dovecote - Malkavian

Author By FunkyBird
A.k.a Peter Rainey, a.k.a Matthew Womack. The small stature, mild demeanor, and soothing deep voice of this former actor and singer bely his deeply paranoid and spiteful nature. Originally from Texas, decades ago he fought for the Houston Camarilla as a spy against the Sabbat. The enemies he made in those nights have hounded him across the years all the way to Seattle, where dark visions have told him he will meet his end at last.

Vivian - Thinblood

Author By Faellen
An exuberant and overly excitable thin-blood, she quickly began to be called cake girl or cupcake girl based on her rather distinctive sense of style. As a professional seamstress, Vivian is very passionate about said style, which makes her stand out from the crowd as lolita dresses aren’t exactly common in rainy Seattle. Don’t let the frills fool you, she’s always down for a good time, whatever that might mean to the various Kindred she has said it to. But no matter what way it is taken, she has no idea what the depths of Cainite “fun” might be, and is truly too innocent for this world. Sink or swim sweet Vivian.

Arthur Von Drakenhof - Salubri

Author By FunkyBird
Arthur, he is not used to being so free to be himself and though this Irish Priest, is learning he does not trust easily. He is often seen among the halls of Elysium or in the fighting cage of the Razors edge, in the latter he has had many fine fights. His three blind seeming eyes take in much around him. Around his neck hangs two chains one holds dog tags from another time and the other which is always in view is a Crucifix shaped more like a sword than a regular cross.

Gentian Serra - Malkavian

Author By ArchonBun
A Malkavian sits cross-legged on a bed, while his Toreador coterie-mate sketches him, over and over, as they talk about the Beast, about inner peace, and what it means to achieve it, and the secrets of Golconda. Monster and man both, at all times.

Luis Abades "The Desert Fox" - Toreador

Author By FunkyBird
Charming. Cold. Deadly. All words that could be used to describe this old Artisan. Luis Abades is a man that likes to style himself as a gunslinger from the old West. A proud member of Las Vegas's Camarilla, the 'Old Money'. He found himself forced out when the SI hit the city and the Anarchs killed the rest of his colleagues. Now, he is a proud and known member of the Pioneers of Seattle. Ready and willing to serve his new Madame, whether it be as muscle or with his silver tongue to remind the Kindred of Seattle just who's city they're in.

Aleixo Moreno - Banu Haqim

Author By NikNic
Cut throat lawyer, etiquette snob and Ivory tower boot licker. Aleixo has been sent to the Emerald city with a very important mission, to convince the other clans that reside within Seattle that allowing the Banu Haqim to join the Camarilla was the only right choice. The tower is crumbling and the stern hand of the Judges is needed to keep it standing, or so he likes to think. This fine portugeese silver fox spends most of his nights inside the Elysium, socialising the night away while he plans his next big move.

Alex Scioth - Tzimisce

Author By FunkyBird
The Dragon from Down Under, Alex was just a tourist making his way across the world one country at a time. Seattle turned his plans on their head though, and now the drug dealing party boy is amidst a World of Darkness. Guns and knives exchanged for fangs, claws, and whatever that guy over there has going on. Will he end up the corpse he probably should've been, or will the Young Dragon carve out his own Roost from which to collect his hoard?

Ruth Ackerman

Author By NikNic
Embraced in the late 80s, this rough, motherly Gangrel travelled the width and breadth of the country with her coterie for many years, before getting caught up in the war between the Camarilla and the Sabbat. A lone survivor, she’s stayed on the roads until eventually reaching Seattle. Here she has attempted to settle down and maybe even begin to build a new family for herself instead of the ones she’s lost.

Em's Halloween - Nosferatu

Author By ArchonBun
The one time The Withering Rose threw a Halloween party, Em got a leather harness and a minidress from Tallulah and wore them to the party. Hardly her usual attire, but randos with a Nosferatu fetish are always around the corner, as she soon learnt.

Liliana Marat - Toreador

Author By FunkyBird
Liliana is a Toreador neonate hailing from Chicago. Moving to Seattle under her new name, this cheerful young socialite moves to ensconce herself in the city's political and financial affairs sector. From there, her ambition will no doubt lead her to bigger and better things. Her smile over the years has never changed...but now it hides fangs. I

Francis Khoury - Lasombra

Author By ArchonBun
While chatting about art at a table of the Rose, William, Toreador, picks up his pencil and offers a portrait to the Lasombra art dealer sitting across him. He gifts Francis the sketch as they part from one another.

Aleksander And Beatrice - Hecata

Author By Nine Rivens
What are ancient enmities in the well of eternity but a dance of hate and love? When Aleksander Wroth, scholarly neonate of the Cappadocians of Clan Hecata, first saw the lovely and dangerous Beatrice Giovanni, he had cause to ask himself that question. Beatrice, seeing him, saw a man so like those who’d hurt her before, and this one from a family with every reason to hate hers, and to hate her just for her name. But in that moment their dance began, of eyes and words and touch further still; but could she be trusted? Could he? Can love bloom between the dead and damned? Ancient enmities, they decided, could rot in hell.

Em's Suit - Nosferatu

Author By ArchonBun
Sometimes Em steals the clothes of her coterie-mates. Or rather, asks them to dress her up. This is, generally, for court events in Elysium, and what she wears is courtesy of Tallulah or Lucille.

Tallulah - Nosferatu

Author By SpookyWookyCoconut
Tallulah isn’t the type to mince words or pull verbal punches. She considers herself a wiz when it comes to technology, but doesn’t flaunt the talent openly. Fashion, however, is something she’ll happily use to flex on others all night long. If she makes your head turn, she’ll consider it a win, even if it wasn’t the fashion that drew your attention in the first place.

Cypher Maloy - Thin-blood

Author By GaladorTheory
Cypher wasn’t the most social of kindred, only found when they were around other members of her coterie. Spending her time lamenting for past mistakes and lurking within the sewers, she probably hasn’t come out since.

Cassander Argent - Ministry

Author By NineRivens
A refined British gentleman of empire, the ancilla Cassander Argent radiates both an intimidating confidence and a certain reserved restraint entirely contrary to the usual stereotypes of his clan. Don’t be fooled, however; the old serpent is Setite through and through, as given to vice and temptation as any. Embraced in Cairo and having never fully escaped the cult of Set no matter how he’s tried, Cassander has most recently found himself the priest of a new Setite Temple hidden within Seattle’s domain, partnered to Virgil, a warrior of the clan.

William's Halloween - Toreador

Author By ArchonBun
The theme for Halloween was inner monstrosity. So William worse an all-white suit and poured red pain all over himself. Drenched in blood head to toe, showcasing what kindred really are and really do, no matter how immaculate their clothes or presentation might appear at first glance.

Tallulah's Halloween - Nosferatu

Author By SpookyWookyCoconut
Halloween 2019 – Tallulah for a grotesque themed costume party at the Withering Rose. A new place for kindred had just opened up and celebrated its grand opening with a Halloween Party to remember. Tallulah attended while dressed up for a fun game of cat and mouse in her hyper realistic rubber Mickey Mouse mask and long whip like tail.

Lizzie Spades - Nosferatu

Author By FunkyBird
Lizzie likes to call herself Lizzie Spades, the Queen of Clubs. This charismatic Nosferatu punk is a bassist and a singer who's toured from NY to Seattle. She's brazen, loud, energetic and never one to back down from a challenge - a trait that might have landed her in hot water once or twice ...

June Lear - Thin-blood

Author By FunkyBird
A medical scientist uprooted from her goals and ambitions only to be thrusted into the bottom of kindred of society, she's struggled to stay afloat since her embrace. Her years of unlife has taught her little other than to distrust anyone, especially full-bloods and that only other thin-bloods can be relied upon. Alchemy and questionable moral ethics have only taken her so far.

Montgomery Covington - Ventrue

Author By NikNic
A Fledgeling Ventrue venture capitalist stemming from Washington D.C. Like many Ventrue he is burdened with glorious purpose, but being a descendant of Hardestadt he is under extra pressure to live up to his ancestor. Since arriving he’s had troublesome ups and downs, but he has persevered and in some ways profited.

Eliza Ascari - Toreador

Author By FunkyBird
A fashion model and socialite from New York City, Elizabeth - or Eliza - Ascari is a Neonate of Clan Toreador, and a recent arrival to Seattle at the behest of her Sire. Art, beauty, and hedonism personified, this Child of the Angel Michael is every bit the archetypical Diva and Degenerate, and then some. But debauchery alone isn’t Eliza’s sole objective, for she intends to play a part in restoring a measure of the beauty that the Emerald City was once known for, by whatever means are called for...
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