Up All Night: Approved, but only available at Character Creation or with relevant change opportunities such as PHG criticals. Nosferatu with the alternate Bane can take this Merit at 2 dots.
Soothed Beast: Banned
False Love: Banned
Two Masters: Approved
Double Talk: Approved.
Maw of Ahriman: Approved with homebrew- this is considered Lasombra Oblivion for the purposes of SbN Discipline Learning. Note: any person other than the user who touches a void orifice takes 1 aggravated willpower damage even if not a bite.
Wingman: Approved.
Serpent’s Kiss: Approved with homebrew- cannot be taken with the Banu Haqim alternate Bane, and applies only to actual biting, not mundane kisses. OOC consent is required for use on PCs. Kindred characters who are subject to Serpent’s Kiss can detect as much with a Wits + Awareness roll, difficulty 5.
The False Sip: Approved.
Ripples of the Heart: Approved with homebrew – changes to mortal resonance only last one in game night/irl week, and Compulsions last four in game nights/irl weeks unless resolved; requires OOC consent for use against PCs.
Le sang de l’Amour: Approved, refer to Blood Sigils guidelines.