Your character’s individual Clan status depends on the region they are from or where they were Embraced. So if your character’s Clan would have been considered High in the geographical region in which they were embraced, but Seattle would consider it Low, they are still mechanically considered to be High Clan.
For when it matters (for example with respective Loresheets), the divide into High and Low Clans in Seattle is as follows:
High Clans
- Ventrue
- Toreador
- Lasombra
- Hecata
- Brujah (Domain Dependent)
- Ministry/Setites (From Egypt and nearby areas)
- Banu Haqim (From Ashirra regions)
- Tremere (Rare Domains; those embraced in Seattle are High)
- Tzimisce
Low Clans
- Gangrel
- Nosferatu
- Malkavians
- Ministry/Setites (Outside Egypt and surrounding places)
- Banu Haqim (Outside Ashirra)
- Brujah (Domain dependent)
- Tremere (Domain dependent; those embraced in Seattle are High)
- Salubri
- Ravnos
Caitiff and Thin-blood are not a clan but are always considered lesser than even the low clans.