Custom Loresheets for Seattle
Faction Loresheets
To level in these Loresheets, you use your character’s status and the perk system. They may not be taken at CC. Levels must be taken in order. For more information about Status: Factions And Status.
Loresheets unlocked by the fifth dot;
- Convention of Thorns (Core Book)
- First Inquisition (Core Book)
- Sect War Veteran (Core Book)
- Ambrus Maropis (Core Book)
- Carmelita Neillson (Core Book)
- Fiorenza Savona (Core Book)
- Fatima Al-Faqadi (Camarilla Book)
- Victoria Ash (Camarilla)
- Ballard Industries (CbN)
- Talley (CbN)
- Khalid Al-Rashid (CF)
- Maxwell (LtSRR)
- Praepositor (FL)
- Spear of Orthia (FL)
- The Hartford Chantry (BbN)
- The Boston Camarilla (BbN)
- Convention of Thorns (Core Book)
- Sect War Veteran (Core Book)
- First Inquisition (Core Book)
- The Trinity (core Book)
- Week of Nightmares (Core Book)
- Victoria Ash (Camarilla)
- Carmelita Neillson (Core Book)
- Ballard Industries (CbN)
- Kindred Iconography (CbN)
- Kindred Dueling (CF)
- Kindred Social Media Influencer (LtSRR)
- The Promise of 1528 (Cults)
- Child of the Angel Michael (Cults)
- Stories of the Daughters (WoD)
- The Ruby Throat (ToAaB)
- The Blue Velvet (CbN)
- Carna (Corebook)
- Golconda (Core Book)
- The Trinity (Core Book)
- Week of Nightmares (Core Book)
- The Book of Nod (CbN)
- Kindred Iconography (CbN)
- Lupine Expert (CbN)
- The Society of St. Leopold (CbN)
- Occult Artifacts (CF)
- The Anubi (LtSRR)
- Amaranthan (CotB)
- The One True Way (CotB)
- Meneleans (CotB)
- Cult of Shalim (CbN)
- Child of the Angel Michael (Cults)
- Cainite Heresy (Core Book)
- Bahari (Core Book)
- Servitor of Irad (CotB)
- Blood Asceticism (FL)
- Gehenna Cults (FL)
- Spear of Orthia (FL)
- The Hartford Chantry (BbN)
- Circulatory System (Corebook)
- Week of Nightmares (Core Book)
- Ambrus Maropis (Core Book)
- Fatima Al-Faqadi (Camarilla book)
- Blacksite 24 (CbN)
- Firstlight (CbN)
- Khalid Al-Rashid (CF)
- The Anubi (LtSRR)
- Maxwell (LtSRR)
- Meneleans (CotB)
- Cleopatras (CotB)
- Gehenna Cults (FL)
- Road Courier (WoD)
- Theo Bell (Core book)
- Circulatory System (Corebook)
- Rudi (Core book)
- Salvador Garcia (Anarch book)
- Agata Starek (Anarch book)
- Ruins of Carthage (Anarch book)
- Anarch Revolt (Anarch book)
- Blacksite 24 (CbN)
- Firstlight (CbN)
- Juggler (LtSRR)
- Meneleans (CotB)
- Road Courier (WoD)
- Hesha Ruhadze (Anarch Book)
- Golconda (Core Book)
- The One True Way (CotB)
Clan of Death
- The Promise of 1528 (CotBG)
- 1444 Chamber (FL)
- Relics of the Veil (ToAnB)
- Bloodline Merits (Various – Bloodline Members Only)
- Ballard Industries (CBN)
- Circulatory System (Corebook)
- Kindred Iconography (CbN)
- Bahari (Core Book)
- The Ruby Throat (ToAaB)
- Book of Nod (CbN)
- Convention of Thorns (Core Book)
- Ambrus Maropis (Corebook)
- Agatha Starek (Anarch Book)
- Fiorenza Savona (Corebook)
Misc Loresheets
To level Rare Stocks and White Widow
For this you keep counting between the levels, remember you can only go once a month.
When it comes to custom orders where it’s not the standard Luna Winery product, then resources may or will be tapped into for what’s obtained. Make an ask in situations where you are buying something high shelf.
Level 1 – Obtain the information, go to the location and give a rouse to obtain the product.
Level 2 – 3 total Visits at this location, and do a double rouse to obtain this level.
Level 3 – 7 total Visits at this location, do a double rouse to obtain this level.
Level 4 – After 10 total Visits, ping Archonbun to set up a scene with Hadriana or ping KJ to set up a scene with Lukas.
Level 5 – You must have the first three levels of this loresheet. This character must show their enthusiasm or sophistication in what Hadriana provides.
To earn The Young Ones
Trash Bandits: Any series of tests about knowing where and when to find specific things, or who to talk to.
Slipping between the Cracks: Instances where they’ve convinced others they are something they are not and have succeeded. These efforts cannot be found out within the same scene.
Weapon of Convenience: The alchemist must have both Anthanor Corporis and Fixatio at some level. Things such as studying other alchemist’s work and having conversations about how they approach alchemy or witnessing other alchemist’s use their powers then studying are both examples.
Real Time Evolution: Suffer their flaws multiple times to negative outcomes.
Lingering Flavor: Use a variety of Disciplines against others. The roll must either be contested or potentially risky, an addition to a hunting roll does not apply.
Below are the legacy Loresheets, those of which we do not use anymore and cannot be bought or taken at CC.
Loresheets from the Books
When purchasing a loresheet/ loresheet levels at Character Creation, please remember that your character must have the appropriate background for obtaining the perks and benefits of the sheet. Without the appropriate background in the biographical information, the loresheet purchase will be denied or we will ask you to rework the character in order to support the loresheet. Think about the ‘fluff’ and wider implications of the sheets as well; some are best bought at creation and cannot be added later with a missing or contrary background in place. Descendant sheets and Hecata bloodline sheets must be bought at creation. Descendant Loresheets are able to be taken at CC alongside non-lineage Loresheets, just as Bloodline sheets are able.
When purchasing a loresheet/loresheet levels after Character Creation, background is still relevant, as is appropriate roleplay being done on server. A sheet which is contradictory to or in some way incompatible with biographical elements of the PC or current roleplay will likely be denied. Some sheets/levels of sheets may require little more than an extended test (see the Merits and Backgrounds page for info) to acquire; others may be more involved and in the purview of a small/solo campaign. In these instances, the desired sheets/levels are always considered and ruled upon individually, as the specific context and details of a PC’s sheet and general RP can make a big difference as to how (or if) loresheet acquisition will be possible.
Some loresheets/levels are entirely banned for players to purchase. Some of these banned sheets are irrelevant to the Seattle setting; others are poorly balanced for the server setting. Some may be future campaign concepts and would be obtained via these campaigns, rather than purchased through normal nightly RP.
Many of the loresheet levels have minor tweaks or stipulations, even when not banned. Please read this page with care before proceeding with a loresheet purchase!
All the following Loresheets from the Corebook are banned and/or irrelevant on server:
- Jeanette/Therese Voerman
The Bahari
Dangerous Reputation: Allowed
Ritual Scarification: Allowed
Sacrifice the Children: BANNED
The Womb’s Blood: BANNED
First-Cursed: BANNED
Theo Bell
Rebel Cell: Allowed
True Anarch: Allowed
Contact Information: Allowed, but with ST intervention
Bell’s Circle: BANNED
Sect Neutrality: Allowed, with the stipulation that they cannot fight your battles, but you are using these Brujahs’ resources, such as their human contacts and retainers, lent to you.
Cainite Heresy
Let He Who Hath Understanding: Allowed
Hand of the Heresy: Allowed
Counter-Inquisition: Allowed
Red Celebrant: Allowed, but with ST supervision
The One Named in Prophecy: BANNED
Embrace the Vision: Allowed
The Rebel Trail: Allowed
Unorthodox Rituals: Allowed
Reimagined Bond: BANNED
Book of the Grave-War: Allowed
The Circulatory System
Tap into the System: Allowed
Little Black Book: Allowed, not for fledglings and young neonates
Farm Upstate: BANNED
Secure Transit: Allowed, but only used to travel. The Ghouls will not enter combat unless the vehicle is attacked, then only in self defense. You cannot be the driver.
Blood Sommelier: Allowed
Convention of Thorns
Thorns Historian: Allowed
Tradition Master: BANNED
Convention Secrets: BANNED
Prospective Justicar: BANNED
New Traditions: BANNED
The First Inquisition
Mistakes of the Past: Allowed
Names of the Guilty: BANNED
The Sect of St. James: Allowed, but you need to get a ST to play the contact.
The Second Act: Allowed, but you need to get a ST to play the contact.
Black Spot: Allowed, but the ST set the black spots.
Seeds of Golconda: Allowed
The One True Way: Allowed
Saulot’s Discipline: Allowed
Satisfy the Hunger: Allowed
Greet the Sun: Allowed, but only Ancillae may purchase it at creation.
Descendant of Hardestadt
Voice of Hardestadt: Allowed
Supreme Leader: Allowed
Ventrue Pillar: Allowed
Line to the Founders: BANNED
Hardestadt’s Heir: BANNED
Descendant of Helena
Skin Deep: Allowed
Real Talent: Allowed
Embrace the Stereotype: Allowed
Divine Purity: Allowed
Succubus Club Franchise: BANNED
Sect War Veteran
Survivor: Allowed
Active Participant: Allowed, but only taken as Mawla or Status within Clan, not Sect.
Trophy Kill: Allowed, but situationally-determined limits will be placed on the rank and circumstances of the Trophy Kill personage, each case will be evaluated by STs separately.
No Vampire’s Land: BANNED
Sect Agitator: BANNED
The Trinity
Constantinople: Allowed
Antonius’ Architecture: Allowed, you can calm any court debate with ST intervention, but no mediation.
The Dream: Allowed
The Dracon: BANNED
The New Trinity: BANNED
The Week of Nightmares
Oral History: Allowed
Ravnos Remains: Allowed, with ST supervision
I Was There: Allowed, but you cannot force player characters to give boons. Best used in Campaigns.
The Red Star: Allowed
Blood of Zapathasura: BANNED
Newfound rights: Allowed
Them and Theirs: Allowed
Gangrel Advocate: Allowed, but the meetings cannot be frequent and should be used only when completely needed. STs will need to be contacted to play the Camarilla, and will decide if the meeting is allowed.
The Bear Pack: BANNED
Rudi’s Army: Allowed
Descendant of Tyler
Instigator: Allowed
Champion of the Cause: BANNED
Tyler’s Mercy: Allowed
The Furores: BANNED
Permanent Revolution: BANNED
Descendant of Zelios
Sanctuary: Allowed
Saboteur: Allowed, but requires ST intervention.
On Commission: Allowed, but with restrictions. You will only know the havens of the vampires who, in active SbN name, ask you to help them. You may require a minor boon from them. You will not start the game with minor boons already under your belt and you do not know the haven locations of powerful NPCs or SPCs at creation.
The Labyrinth: Allowed
Sense the Ley Lines: Allowed
Descendant of Vasantasena
Agent of Chaos: Allowed
Hear My Words: Allowed
Scent the Bond: Allowed
Destroy the Bond: Allowed
Sabbat Becomes Camarilla: BANNED
High Clan
Peacock: Allowed
Sway the Low: Allowed, but the bullied mawla must be a player and BOTH players must be consenting to play this out. If you fail to compensate after a failure, you will gain an adversary flaw from whoever turned on you. If it’s a PC and they retire, you will gain a new adversary from that clan.
Elevate the Low: BANNED
Embraced to Rule: BANNED
Blessed, not cursed: Allowed
Low Clan
Thick Hide: Allowed
Cursed with Pride: Allowed
Uncanny Kinship: Allowed, but only taken as Mawla or Status within Clan, not Sect.
Trade Among Equals: Allowed, not at CC must RP with another Low Clan character and develop trust.
Criticality Incident: BANNED
Ambrus Maropis
True Believer: Allowed
Clandestine Information: Allowed
Taught by the Best: Allowed, with ST intervention
Back Door Panopticon: Allowed, but get consent from players you are hacking
On Another Grid Entirely: Allowed
Carmelita Neillson
The Art of the Story: Allowed
The Art of the Will: Allowed
Neillson Library: Allowed, but there are existing rules on the libraries. The only limit is each library must be unique. If not purchased at creation, you will need to work to contact Carmelita or draw the attention of someone who would have these resources.
Interview With the Methuselah: BANNED
Ancestor’s Tomb: BANNED
Fiorenza Savona
On Fiorenza’s List: Allowed
Breakfast with Fiorenza: Allowed, but you must contact STs
Friendly Benefits: Allowed
The Directorate: BANNED
Government Motion: BANNED
Descendant of Karl Schrekt
Remember the House: Allowed
Hardliner: Allowed
Ritual Preparedness: Allowed, needs to be RP’d out
Archon’s Bane: Banned at creation. Must be applied for through a ticket and is monitored by STs.
Know the World: Allowed
Descendant of Xaviar
Martyred Ancestor: Allowed
Where the Bodies Are Buried: Allowed
Loyal Hound: Banned at creation. It can be acquired during campaigns if the character works for the Camarilla. They will not be acquiring dots in Domain due to the lack of the mechanic in SbN, those may be instead invested in Haven.
Monstrous Bat: Allowed
Experience the Antediluvian: Allowed
Anarch Book
All the following Loresheets from the Anarch Book are banned and/or irrelevant on server:
- Blood Plagued
Salvador Garcia
A Way with Words: Allowed, as with any roll, your writing must match the outcome of the dice. If your dialogue is weak and yet score a high level succ, it may not pass though the characters may feel you are very sure of yourself.
Old School: Allowed, but only at CC and/or possible via campaigns
Enemy of the State: Allowed
The War of Ideas: Allowed, but this is mostly flavor as Seattle is primarily Camarilla and there is no Anarch Domain currently.
Rise up: BANNED
Agata Starek
Terrorizing the Powerful: Allowed
Apprentice: Allowed, but with other player’s approval and/or ST approval
A Favor Owed: BANNED
Unlikely Allies: Allowed, but with ST oversight
The Joy of Transgressions: BANNED
Hesha Ruhadze
One of Hesha’s Works: Allowed
Something Hesha Wants: Allowed, but with ST supervision (Resources is capped at 4)
Museum of the Faithful: Allowed
Blood Cult: Allowed, but only with PC
Hear the Blood Sing: Allowed, functions like Premonition
The Church of Set
Congregation: Allowed
Tap the Secret Vein: Allowed
Freedom from the Aeons: Allowed
Degenerative process: Allowed, but with other player consent
Body of Set: Allowed, but limited to Ancilla characters
Ruins of Carthage
Clan Historian: Allowed
Punic Pride: Allowed
Death to Tyrants: Allowed
Troile’s Wish: Allowed, but with other player’s approval and/or ST approval
Carthage Anew: BANNED
Anarch Revolt
Critical Ancestor: Allowed, but with clan status instead of Anarch Status
Speak the Words: Allowed
Enemy of the Establishment: Allowed
Icon: Allowed, but with clan status instead of Anarch Status
Reignite the Revolt: Allowed, but with ST supervision
Camarilla Book
All the following Loresheets from the Camarilla Book are banned and/or irrelevant on server:
- The Pyramid
Fatima Al-Faqadi
Weapons Locker: Allowed, with ST approval. Changed to “Once per Story”.
Extended Web: Allowed, with ST supervision but do not forget to pay.
Missed Hit: Allowed, status is given to Banu Haqim
Recognized Judge: BANNED
Open Contract: BANNED
Pure Ventrue Lineage
Sire of Renown: Allowed
A Lineage of Title: BANNED
Recitation: Allowed
Legendary Lineage (choose one): Allowed, the Antonius lineage comes with changes. The lack of domain mechanics in the server means that the bonus applies to your own haven or any building the characters plan to defend instead.
Name the Antediluvian: Restricted. Allowed, at creation, only ancillae may take this level. In-game, only characters who made extensive research may take this level.
Cult of Mithras
Neophyte: Allowed
Nymphus: Allowed
Leo: Allowed
Perses: Allowed, with the modification that the killing rights of the Perses are revoked.
Unconquered: BANNED
Victoria Ash
Ashen Kiss: Allowed, but mostly flavor
Vermillion Invitation: Allowed, but taken at CC with proper background
What Makes Them Tick: Allowed
Celebrity Affection: Allowed
Patron, Lover, Companion: BANNED
Chicago Book
All the following Loresheets from the Chicago Book are banned and/or irrelevant on server:
- Annabelle
- Blue Velvet
- Capone Gang
- Cultivar
- Fires and Flood and the Devil’s Night
- Kevin Jackson
- The Labryinth
- Nathaniel Bordruff
- The Painted Lady
- Wauneka
Ballard Industries
Deep Pockets: Allowed
Where the In-Crowd Goes: Allowed, with ST Supervision
I Fought the Law and I Won: Allowed, with ST Supervision
Favors for Favors: Allowed, if you already have status and with ST approval or against other PCs and with player consent
The View from the Top: Allowed
Blacksite 24
Rumors: Allowed, but mostly flavor
No, Really!: Allowed, but mostly flavor and locked to character’s from Chicago
Paranoia Strikes Deep: Allowed, requires ST approval and supervision
It’s My Job to Know This Stuff: BANNED
The One That Got Away: Allowed, with appropriate background taken at CC and with ST supervision
The Book of Nod
Precis: Allowed
Well-versed: Allowed
Scholar: Allowed
Collector: Allowed, with player consent and/or ST approval
Noddist Master: Allowed, with ST approval and supervision
The CobWeb
A Break In the Static: Allowed
Shared Condition: Allowed
Across the Web: Allowed
Pluck the Strands: Allowed, with ST supervision
Malkav’s Will: Allowed, with ST supervision and works like Premonition
Cult of Shalim
Dark Whispers: Allowed
Cult Initiate: Allowed
Power of Faith: Allowed
Crush the Dreams of Life: Allowed, but the Aggravated Damage can be healed the next day per usual.
Shalim Is: Allowed
Descendant of Lodin
Baby of the Family: Allowed, if there’s an explanation why the character is not in Chicago
Responsible Middle Child: BANNED
Black Sheep of the Family: Allowed
Like Sire, Like Childe: Allowed
Long-lost Relative: Allowed, but with restrictions. The latter part of the loresheet is wholly banned/useless in Seattle, it does not grant the advantages that it would grant in Chicago. The character will instead have Status 2 among Ventrue only.
Descendant of Montano
The Shadow of Yesterday: Allowed, but with ST’s supervision
Siblings in Darkness: Allowed
Abyssal Apprentice: Allowed
Word of Mouth: Allowed. Must be acquired through RP in the server as all other status.
Purity of Remorse: Allowed
Evasion Tactics: Allowed
Branch Office: Allowed, but with ST supervision
What Do They Know: Allowed
No Records Found: Allowed
Friend on the Inside: Allowed, but with ST supervision and approval
Kindred Iconography
Iconographer: Allowed
The Writing on the Wall: Allowed
Trendsetter: Allowed
Graffiti Artist: Allowed
Giorgio Who?: BANNED
Lupine Expert
Huntsman: Allowed
Tactician: Allowed
Soldier: Allowed
Trophy: Allowed
Ambassador: Allowed, but with ST supervision.
Revenant Family: Ducheski
Taken at CC and restricted to older Neonates and Ancillae with supported background
Nourishing Blood: Allowed
Personal Library: Allowed
Research Team: Allowed
Ritual Assistant: Allowed
Ducheski Invention: Allowed, but with ST supervision
The Society of St. Leopold
Postulant: Allowed
Novice: Allowed
Brother or Sister: Allowed, but with ST supervision and appropriate background
Father or Mother: Allowed, but with ST supervision and appropriate background
Inquisitor: Allowed, but with ST supervision if it’s the entire character’s concept locked to Ancilla
Recognise the Signs: Allowed
Secret Communications: BANNED
Tangled Strings: Allowed
Trained Killer: Allowed, but with ST supervision.
Personal Defender: BANNED
Chicago Folios
All the following Loresheets from the Folios are banned and/or irrelevant on server:
- Archons
- The Convention of Chicago
- Goblin Roads
- Justicar Lucinde
- Malkavian Family
- The Pony Express
- Sheriff Damien
- The Wolf Pack
Descendant of Menele
Symposium: Allowed
Carthago Delenda Est: Allowed
Know Thyself: Allowed
Knowledge Is Power: Allowed for flavour as it primarily pertains to Chicago.
The Greater Mysteries: Allowed, but with Restrictions. Using this power for your weekly roleplay comes with the same restrictions as Premonition: you will need your roleplay partner’s consent to reveal anything relevant to your character and about your planned roleplay. Storytellers will not intervene to offer information (unless called in for foul play or metagaming). Campaigns are the only instances where this power may be used with Storyteller input.
Khalid Al-Rashid
Safe Haven: Allowed, but restricted to characters who previously resided in Chicago.
Deadly Stroke: As above.
Khalid’s Notebook: Allowed for flavour, as it pertains to Helena and Menele.
Wicked Garden: BANNED
Unbeholden: Allowed, but required ST intervention
Kindred Dueling
Honorable Combatant: Allowed
Fight Club: Allowed, but restricted. Characters may not use this loresheet to found a fight club. You may instead use our rules for player-run locations if you are inclined to open a similar location. Afterwards, you may put roleplay into the acquisition of this loresheet, with Storyteller approval.
Stake Fighter: Allowed
Fire Eater: Allowed
Trials of Death: Allowed
Occult Artifacts (Tremere/Banu Haqim only)
All allowed levels of this loresheet must be acquired through roleplay in-server and may not be taken at creation.
Rowan Ring: Allowed
Cloak of Abalone: Allowed
Powder of Rigidity: Allowed
Monocle of Clarity: Allowed
Tapestry of Blood: BANNED
Chicago : Let The Streets Run Red
All the following Loresheets from the Chicago : Let The Streets Run Red are banned and/or irrelevant on server:
- Mark Decker
- The Milwaukee “Null Zone”
- Modius
The Anubi
The Werewolves are statted as the book has them, until W5 is released and if it’s applicable to V5. This loresheet will open up more once it’s introduced via a campaign.
Argent Fury: Allowed
What Big Eyes You Have: Allowed
Brick House: Allowed
In the City, In the Woods: BANNED
Summon the Pack: BANNED
Not permitted as lover/slave due to status, must have a strong backstory as to how they met. These must be taken at Creation.
Muse: Allowed
Portrait of a Woman: Allowed
This is Sparta: Allowed, but with a strong background, locked to Ancilla. Player character cannot have been a close intimate of Eletria but merely someone who served with her and of whose name and abilities Eletria was aware.
Ageless Beauty: Allowed. Can be used once per story. Go to Ask the ST for difficulties.
Conspicuous Consumption: BANNED
Kindred Social Media Influencer
Friends Everywhere: Allowed
Niche Following: Allowed
Internet Famous: Allowed, Confers a dot of fame and the herd is temporary only one per story (3 months)
Collabs and Sponsorships: Allowed
Superstar: Allowed
The character will need a Chicago Background in order to take this.
For the Cause: Allowed
Guns to a Knife Fight: BANNED
Rabble Rouser: BANNED
Coordination is Key: BANNED
Rust Never Sleeps: Allowed, but with ST intervention
Lost Secrets of the Milwaukee Chantry
Carna’s Primogen Files: BANNED
Abandoned Real Estate: BANNED
Victor’s Grimoire: Allowed, as a copy at CC with background or gotten through campaign
Objects of Desire: BANNED
Dr. Mortius’ Haven: BANNED
Tactician: Allowed
Travelling Companion: BANNED
Vanguard: BANNED
The Art of Disappearing: Allowed, but with ST intervention
The Once and Future Prince: BANNED
Cults of the Blood Gods
Bankers of Dunsirn
Money Obfuscates: Allowed
Money Talks: Allowed
Money Enhances: Allowed
Money Multiples: Allowed
Money Dictates: BANNED
Children of Tenochtitlan
Hiding from the Wolf: Allowed
Ghostly Instincts: Allowed
Forward Thinking: Allowed, unable to reroll hunger dice and only up to 3 dice
Necromantic Prodigy: Allowed
Next in Line: Allowed, but locked to older Neonates or Ancilla
The Nation of Blood
CSI Shit: Allowed
Pound of Flesh: Allowed
Treat Yourself: Allowed
My Setite Friend: Allowed
The Silk Hat: BANNED
Viscus: Allowed
Unseen Spirit: Allowed
The Perfect Murder: Allowed
Send a Murderer: Allowed
Monstrous Bite: Allowed
Harbingers of Ashur
Harbingers can only take one mask.
The Ashen Mask: Allowed
The Gold Mask: Allowed
The White Mask: Allowed
The Obsidian Mask: BANNED
The Lazarene Mask: BANNED
La Famiglia Giovanni
A Cousin’s Ear: Allowed
Faded Glamour: Allowed
Petty Cash: Allowed
Spectre Servant: Allowed
Aspiring Anziani: Allowed, but restricted to older neonates or ancillae
The Criminal Puttanesca
Friends in Low Places: Allowed
Show Your Belly: Allowed
Show Your Fists: Allowed
Get the Squad Together: Allowed
The Don: Allowed
The Gorgons
The Serpent’s Kiss: Allowed
Protection: Allowed
Four Humors: Allowed
Controlling the Beast: Allowed
Medusa’s Gaze: Allowed
Calling the Family Reunion
The Kid’s Table: Allowed
Updating the Rolodex: Allowed
Hiding the Bodies: Allowed
Dealmaker: Allowed, but restricted to older Neonates or Ancillae
Spiritual Assault: BANNED
Child of Angel Michael
The Great and the Good: Allowed
Outer Beauty: Allowed
Hedonistic Pleasure: Allowed, take Fame or Clan Status
Michael’s Calling: Allowed
Wiping Away the Stains: BANNED
Servitor of Irad
Shield of Irad: Allowed
Sword of Irad: Allowed
Know the Will of the Ancients: BANNED
Do the Will of the Ancients: Allowed
Kill Thy Brother: Allowed
The Promise of 1528
Legal Scholar: Allowed
Scrap of Information: Allowed
Tick Tock: Allowed
Faulty Memory: Allowed
Signatory: BANNED
Children of the Blood
Little Siblings (Hecata bloodline, Rossellini)
Grave Attitude OK
Ghostly Dominance OK.
Necromantic Expertise OK, does stack with shroud but do not abuse this.
Stolen Will OK, with ST oversight.
Purge OK, with consent of other players.
Grudge Masters (Hecata bloodline, Milliners)
You Know Who I Am OK, but remember they would need to know who the Milliner’s are.
Family Bank OK, but 5 is banned so Resources 4. SPC is ST controlled.
Perfect Grudges BANNED
Friends in High Places BANNED
Ashfinders (Loresheet, Teebs only) BANNED
Amaranthan (Loresheet)
Judge OK, Do not meta.
Jury OK, but only against SPCs. Due to how PC mawla work on server, this can just be roleplayed out without the sheet.
Executioner OK
Tense Respect BANNED, as by large these will be other PCs.
The Final Hunt BANNED
Cleopatras (Loresheet, Nos only)
Close Examination OK
Clothed in Power OK
Dream Appearance OK
Figure-in-Waiting BANNED
The Beauty Within OK
Meneleans (Loresheet)
Mortal Empathy OK – only one fail is rerolled
Peacemaker OK
Show of Defiance OK, but be aware we already tend to do that. So this sheet isn’t the most useful in play.
Becoming the Mask OK
Bond Breaker OK
The One True Way (Loresheet)
Trust Me OK, needs to true empathy and needs consent
Secret Keeper OK
Beast Communion OK
Calling the Wave OK
The Road from Hunedoara OK
Starfall Ranch (Loresheet, Malkavians only)
Herd Mindset OK, but once every other session.
Clarity of Mind BANNED
New Perspectives OK, cannot be PC. The SPC must be described to the ST in an ask and the ST will make the sheet.
Starr and Marta OK, Mawla is in American Northeast tho
But I Saw You Die BANNED
Forbidden Religion
1444 Chamber (Hecata Only)
(Need a mawla with at least 2-dots to attain any of these dots. The mawla outranks the character in clan Hierarchy and is the contact point for different activities.)
Shadow of the Chamber ( • ) – Approved
Mercenary Work ( •• ) – Banned
Gilded Promises ( ••• ) – Approved (ST guided)
Deathly Slave ( •••• ) – Approved
Anziani Patron ( ••••• ) – Banned
Blood Asceticism
The Starveling Path ( • ) – Approved
Glade of the Sleeping Beast ( •• ) – Approved
Lesser Vessels ( ••• ) – Approved
Bloodless Pedestal ( •••• ) – Banned
Leash the Beast ( ••••• ) – Approved
Gehenna Cults
Mark the Bloody Trail ( • ) – Approved
Faithful Bloodhound ( •• ) – Banned
Dogma ( ••• ) – Approved
Cult Breaker ( •••• ) – Approved
Red Truths ( ••••• ) – Approved
Plagues of Gehenna – Banned
Praepositor (Tremere Only) – Restricted to Loyal House Tremere
Chastise the Wayward ( • ) – Approved
Discreet Professionalism ( •• ) – Approved (Take status as Clan status)
Guard the Clan ( ••• ) – Approved
Expert Security ( •••• ) – Approved
Blood Loyalty ( ••••• ) – Approved
Spear of Orthia (Ventrue Only)
Tip of the Spear ( • ) – Approved
Soldier’s Code ( •• ) – Approved
The Enduring Faith ( ••• ) – Approved with ST oversight
Witness to Orthia ( •••• ) – Approved (Must be taken at CC)
Splinter of the Spear ( ••••• ) – Banned
Trail of Ash and Bone
The Ruby Throat (Pending Location Opening)
Rubbing Shoulders – Approved (ST gives rumor)
What’s in your Sleeve – Banned
Chicken Dinner – Banned
High Roller – Approved
Dead Man’s Hand – Banned
Descendant of Roger de Camden
Proud Childe– Approved
Corpsense – Approved (ST controls Wraith)
Eye to Eye – Approved
Way of all Flesh – Approved
Perchance to Dream – Be vigilant on not using it to meta and can be once per story
Relics of the Veil
Torn Shroud– Approved, changed to a cooldown rather than maximum uses, once per month.
Burning Effigy – Approved
The Gaunt Robe – Approved, can be used three times per story.
The Nails of Dimus – Banned
Codex Caecitus – Banned
Boston by Night
Arcane Authority – Approved
Cryptic Politics – Approved
On The Square – Banned
The Chantry – Must be gained IC within the location on server.
Mr. President – Banned
The Boston Camarilla
Comrades in Arms – Approved
Sic Semper Tyranis – Approved
Heart is Where the Home is – Banned
Levers and Pulleys – Banned
Unification – Banned
Fall of London
All loresheets currently banned
Miscellaneous Loresheets
These loresheets can be downloaded from the World of Darkness website with a registered account.
Stories of the Daughters
When using the Daughter of Cacophony loresheet, you can only use one merit at a time in conjunction with Presence due to balancing.
Aspiring Idol – Approved. Aspiring Idol can only be used if there is a chance of failure, aka a Difficulty in the roll. Required Difficulty equal to ⅓ of the total Performance pool.
Surprise Performance – Approved
Wayward Daughter – Approved
Songstress Supreme – Approved
Rejuvenating Voice – Approved
Road Courier
Bucket – Approved
Six in the Morning – Approved
Ride or Die – Approved
Highway Harbinger – BANNED
Midnight Express – BANNED
The Parthenon Troupe – CC Only
Silent Actor – Approved
It Speaks – BANNED
No Longer In The Shadows – Approved
Diva – Approved
Impresario – Approved
Amanda Chastain
Banned pending a rework to fit Seattle
Sheriff Qui
Banned pending a rework to fit Seattle
Temple of Boom