Merits/Flaws for use on server:
Per Chapter is once per week, unless defined otherwise.
General Merits/Flaws:
Merit/Flaw: Apocryphal Texts (Can be purchased as merit or Flaw) Approved
Merit: Inspired Artist Approved, remember that Awe breaks in combat.
Merit: Traveling Preacher Approved, but since there is no traveling on this server generally. It’s more of a background flavor merit.
Flaw: Excommunicated 2 Dot is permitted, 5 Dot is banned.
Flaw: Faithless Approved
Ashfinder Merits/Flaws: This Group is Banned.
Bahari Merits/Flaws:
Merit: Gardener Approved, but banned above level 3. No Kindred. No Territory.
Merit: Dark Mother’s Song Approved, but reduced to a +2 to be added to pool. Remember to back your roll with the RP itself.
Church of Caine Merits/Flaws:
Merit: Fire Resistant Approved
Flaw: Schism (Lasombra only) Approved
Church of Set Merits/Flaws:
Merit: Fixer OK, but the leverage would need to be roleplayed out. This will also require ST supervision, so please make an ask when using this merit.
Merit: Go to Ground Approved
Merit: Vigilant Approved
Flaw: False Alarms Approved
Cult of Shalim Merits/Flaws:
Merit: Gematria Approved
Merit: Insidious Whispers Approved with player consent.
Flaw: Empty Approved, be aware it will affect ALL social rolls including those against Kindred.
Mithraic Mysteries Merits/Flaws:
Merit: Bargainer Approved
Merit: Bull-Slayer Approved
Flaw: Failed Initiate Approved
Nephilim Merits/Flaws:
Merit: Archangel’s Grace Approved
Flaw: Yearning Approved, this is required for any character who leaves the cult even in background.
Haven Merits:
Merit: Holy Ground Approved, mortal cultists only.
Shrine: Approved
Domain Merits/Flaws:
We do not use Domain on server, but these can be used for Coteries.
Merit: Built-in Flock OK, equivalent to 1 dot in herd.
Merit: Mithraeum BANNED
Flaw: Disputed Domain BANNED
Merit: Community Outreach BANNED
Flaw: Visibility Approved, but gain 2 dot enemy.
Merit: Networked Approved
Flaw: Shared Vulnerabilities Approved