Refer to Thin-blood Alchemy Leveling for purchasing formulae.
Distillation Methods
Athanor Corporis
Stamina + Current Alchemy Level with a Rouse Check at the same time.
Uses your own body. Only one power can be distilled at a time, and a power must be distilled before it can be used. This requires three turns of concentration, which is equal to three post turns which you do nothing but concentrate on the creation, if following a fixed turn order or in combat. If it is freeform RPing then there is no needed wait. If you wish to sell your character’s power, it will cost one hunger, no rouse check, to sell one use of it; they will also need to explain how to use it. The alchemy lasts one scene. Its distillation is instantaneous regardless of level.
Intelligence + Current Alchemy Level after a Rouse Check when the alchemist’s blood is added.
You use an athanor, kiln, meth cooker, etc. You carry the potion in a vial of sorts. You cannot work without a laboratory of sorts. If you are forced to use other methods like a pressure cooker/crockpot you struggle to make anything at best you’ll make one potion with weak power (level 3 or less). You can only carry a number of fixed formulae equal to Wits or Dexterity. You can store a number equal to twice Alchemy+haven dots if in a fridge. You can activate one power per turn. There is no time limit; however, this may change if people are found to be abusing it to stockpile without a dangerous story reason that’s PC related.
Distillation Times for Fixatio
Level 1 Formulae
Distillation : Instant
Level 2 Formulae
Distillation : 1 IRL Day
Level 3 Formulae
Distillation : 1 IRL week
Level 4 Formulae
Distillation : 2 IRL weeks
Level 5 Formulae
Distillation : 3 IRL weeks
Obtaining Ingredients/Blood
Resonance(s): Thin-bloods may benefit from the bloodhound merit but it is not required in order to get the resonance(s) required. They may submit an inducement test to the ST in order to obtain the required blood. Or if by chance and if they hold the knowledge of resonances they are tasting during a feed, they may slake more blood for the alchemy; remember that it takes 1 slake from a human for a potion. So if a vampire takes 2 from a human, they must give up 1 of those slakes for the alchemy, or risk-taking more from the mortal. This blood must be regurgitated and used within the night to keep its potency for alchemy.
Ingredient(s): The materials required for alchemy can be small things like magnets to rarer items such as specific chemicals. In lower-level alchemy, using something that contains that chemical is passable. When coming up with a plan on how a character will obtain these objects, unless they already own them such as a refrigerator magnet (assuming they own a fridge), a plan must be submitted to the ST. However they want to obtain these objects is up to them with appropriate roleplay; they can use resources, lab, contacts and other merits if it’s logical that these merits would provide access to the needed materials.
Note : Using resources means that the alchemist may take a temporary hit in resources until they regain their loss.
There are bonus dice for certain things being used in alchemy
- +1 die per dot of lab merit in the haven you are working inside if Fixatio.
- +1 die for very rare or expensive ingredients. Require storyline to obtain or Resources of dots higher than the level of formula, contact ST if doing so.
- +1 die for very potent/magical items. Such as a unicorn horn, red mercury, human blood with a Dyscrasia, werewolf blood, or vitae with Blood Potency two levels higher than the level of the formula. This is hard to acquire/near impossible. Dyscrasia must be obtained via appropriate rolls.
- -1 die for cheap substitute ingredients when creating level 3 or higher alchemy.
- -1 die for medical bagged blood, melted down candles from the New Age Shop or other faux magics.
The Distillation Process
An alchemist must first know the formula by learning it. Once they’ve purchased this power, they are able to create it.
Alchemists must gather the ingredients required and then follow this.
Fixatio: Make a rouse check to add their blood to the ingredients, roll a distillation pool based on Int+Alchemy level with any additional bonuses added. Wait the Distillation time.
Athanor Corporis: Consume the ingredients, and make a Rouse check at the same time as the Distillation roll of Stamina+Alchemy level with any additional bonuses added. Distillation is instant.
After the distillation of a power, refer to this chart:
Power weak, fluky or late in happening : When this happens please contact the ST who will roll what type of potion you have in your hands. When you attempt to use this, contact them once more and they will tell you what the outcome is. Your character is unable to tell if the potion is faulty or not unless they have made it on server more than 4 times, after then they are able to tell something is off.
Here is the chart they will roll from:
1-2 : -1 to Dice Pools or something along that vein
3-4 : Late to Start, must wait till next turn order after activation
5-6 : Consumer gains +1 hunger
7-8 : -1 to Dice Pools or something along that vein
9-10 : Works as intended, but tastes awful
Profane Hieros Gamos Errata
As per the eratta given in September 2019, SBN does not use the prior version of the books PHG. We instead use
Profane Hieros Gamos (p. 285):
The power was entirely rewritten, and re-categorized as level 3.
-What this means; Kindred may change their physical form either in height, weight, skintone, hair color, eye color, face and body shape and gender. With a Critical, they may remove a physical flaw, such as paralysis or permanently damaged limbs up to flaws like repulsive (Unless they are Nosferatu) or ugly. They can also gain look advantages with no limit via a Crit and spending the appropriate amount of exp.
-What this does NOT mean; They can move their organs internally, they cannot do anything that’s not going to appear 100% humanlike from outwards physical appearance to internal morphology. This will not heal conditions characters are born with. They cannot regrow what was lost prior to embrace.
Counterfeit Disciplines
To make noncorebook disciplines, you must have those books.
When using other kindred’s blood, they must make a rouse check when giving up the blood. Each rouse is worth one pot.
If you are to add the discipline rating to your pool when activating it/using it, you instead add the character’s Alchemy level.
Please remember that the ingredients listed are not bound to what is specifically there if you can find something that relates to said item. It will work, the only variation is rarity, which needs to be taken into account. You cannot use an orange to create Level 4 Fortitude, but you could for level 1 or 2.
For any pre-requisite powers, they must first brew the first power until distillation is complete, then brew the second power until distillation is complete. After this they must combine the two, no rolls needed, but only one alchemy remains. They will still make any needed rouses to activate said power.
Example with Fixatio:
To use Metamorphosis, they must brew first Shapechange, then Metamorphosis and Shapechange potions combine the alchemy into a single use. Athanor Corporis works the same just with shorter distillation times due to instant distillation.
Level 1 Disciplines
In order to create the disciplines, you must have the blood, hair, used personal item, or something else related to a vampire who has the level of discipline you are creating, or of a matching clan.
Level 2 Disciplines
In order to create the disciplines, you must have the blood or hair of a vampire who has the level of discipline you are creating, or of a matching clan.
Level 3 Disciplines
In order to create the disciplines, you must have the blood of a vampire who has the level of discipline you are creating, or of a matching clan.
Level 4 Disciplines
In order to create the disciplines, you must have the blood of a vampire who has the level of discipline you are creating, or of a matching clan. They must give one hunger’s worth no matter what for one pot creation and additional if more are created.
Formulae for Disciplines
The general ingredients vary from alchemist to alchemist, in order to create Animalism you must have an animal-related item, vampiric item/blood depending on Discipline level, animal blood as well as some sort of chemical components such as a household cleaner or lab grade cleaner.
The general ingredients vary from alchemist to alchemist, in order to create Auspex you must have an item used to increase a mortal’s focus (Caffeine, Medications, etc), vampiric item/blood depending on Discipline level, phlegmatic mortal blood as well as some sort of chemical acid.
Blood Sorcery
The general ingredients vary from alchemist to alchemist, in order to create Blood Sorcery you must have an item that relates to the occult, vampiric item/blood depending on Discipline level, sanguine mortal blood as well as some type of mushrooms.
The general ingredients vary from alchemist to alchemist, in order to create Celerity you must have an item that increases mortal heart rate (Kola Nut, Caffeine, etc), vampiric item/blood depending on Discipline level, choleric mortal blood as well as some sort of base pH chemical.
The general ingredients vary from alchemist to alchemist, in order to create Dominate you must have an item that relaxes a mortal (Xanax, muscle relaxer, alcohol, etc), vampiric item/blood depending on Discipline level, phlegmatic mortal blood as well as some sort of opioid.
The general ingredients vary from alchemist to alchemist, in order to create Fortitude you must have an item that increases mortal durability (Vitamin C, A, K, etc), vampiric item/blood depending on Discipline level, melancholy mortal blood as well as some sort of freezing chemical/item.
The general ingredients vary from alchemist to alchemist, in order to create Obfuscate you must have an item that decreases mortal awareness or consciousness (intoxicants, poisons, etc), vampiric item/blood depending on Discipline level, melancholy mortal blood as well as some sort of disinfectant.
The general ingredients vary from alchemist to alchemist, in order to create Oblivion you must have organic material that is rotting or decomposing, vampiric item/blood depending on Discipline level, “empty” mortal blood, or up to level 3 disciplines blood bags may be used, as well oil or tar.
The general ingredients vary from alchemist to alchemist, in order to create Potence you must have an item that increases mortal strength (Steroids, stimulants), vampiric item/blood depending on Discipline level, choleric mortal blood as well as some sort of combustive item/chemical.
The general ingredients vary from alchemist to alchemist, in order to create Presence you must have an item that increases mortal attraction (libido-increasing drugs or items, perfumes, cologne, etc), vampiric item/blood depending on Discipline level, sanguine mortal blood as well as some sort of battery element.
The general ingredients vary from alchemist to alchemist, in order to create for Protean you must have an item that relates to earth or mother nature (dirt, plants, clay, etc), vampiric item/blood depending on Discipline level, animal blood as well as something high in iron.
Viable Blood Sorcery
These not only have to be acquired with kindred blood, but also taught to the thin-blood.
Level 1
Corrosive Vitae
A Taste for Blood
Level 2
Extinguish Vitae
Level 3
Scorpion’s Touch
Level 4
Theft of Vitae
Viable Oblivion
The 1 or 10 rule for stains applies to both distillation and activation rouse checks for the powers that have that drawback. In cases where the alchemist takes a stain, then is the one to activate, they will not receive a second stain even if hitting 10 or 1. The Alchemist is forging a faux connection to the Abyss and then is calling on that connection when activated running the risk of eroding humanity.
Note: with the two branches of Oblivion, counterfeiting the discipline needs the blood of the kindred with the appropriate branch
Level 1
Oblivion Sight
Shadow Cloak
Ashes to Ashes
Level 2
Shadow Cast
Arms of Arihman
Fatal Precognition
Level 3
Shadow Perspective
Touch of Oblivion
Aura of Decay
Level 4
Stygian Shroud
Necrotic Plague
Rituals and Ceremonies
Please note, it is impossible for thin-blood alchemy to counterfeit any Blood Sorcery ritual or Oblivion ceremony.
Winter’s Teeth Alchemy
There are four new levels of alchemy introduced within #10 of Winter’s Teeth. These are all accessible by thin-bloods without anything specific other than the given rules within this homebrew section regarding inspiration to create or learning from others. You will need to own the comic in order to purchase/use these.
Sabbat Alchemy
Character’s must have a Sabbat background or gain this ingame from storylines related.
On-Demand Sunburn – Cannot be used by fullbloods.
Portable Shade – In addition to RAW for Thinbloods, when taken by a full vampire, this alchemy allows them to walk during the day with the rules normally used by Thinbloods; they will take 1 superficial damage per turn, will lose access to all vampiric abilities including Disciplines and blood surge, will have their health halved, and will lose all Health benefits. In addition, these vampires will make the final Stamina + Alchemy test at double the difficulty, and if failed will take double the aggravated damage. Full vampires and Thinbloods with the Bestial Temper flaw must roll a frenzy test once per hour in the Sun at diff 4 while using this power. Please also refer to daywalking rules.
Second Inquisition Alchemy
Blood of Mandagloire – Approved, the character will need a way to convince the mortals to drink it. Inspiration examples would be from Hollow Leg or Scorpion’s Touch.
Mirror of Trust – Approved, will need to make an ask to obtain the items. The diff for chemically creating a “Truth Serum” is an extended test for 25 successes. Or it can be obtained occasionally through a 3-dot corrupt contact in the government. Inspiration examples would be Truth of Blood Ritual or Entrancement/Dread Gaze.
Fang-Stinger – Approved, but the victim takes the margin in unhalved superficial damage. Upon successful use if the thin-blood crits, the victim receives a compulsion.
Freezer Fluid – Banned.
Unable to be Replicated Alchemy
Bond Famulus – Must have Cantenating Blood Merit to use it
Unliving Hive – Unable to be replicated
Horrid Form – Unable to be replicated
Draught of Elegance – Unable to be replicated
Draught of Endurance – Unable to be replicated
Draught of Might – Unable to be replicated
Submerged Directive – Unable to be replicated
Enduring Beast – Unable to be replicated
Rationalize – Unable to be replicated
Ghost in the Machine – Unable to be replicated
Irresistible Voice – Unable to be replicated
Ancestral Dominion – Unable to be replicated
Domitor’s Will – Require Cantenating Blood Merit to use it
Blood Sorcery/Oblivion – Unable save for what’s listed below.