If your character runs or owns a bar, a club, a hotel, a shop, or any other publicly-accessible location, you are able to have your own dedicated channel, so that other roleplayers can find them and your character more easily. These locations need to be supported by dots such as haven for size, watchmen for bouncers, etc etc. If humans and/or hunting are allowed in your venue, it will come with the additional responsibility and risk of Masquerade Breaches. Advantages such as chasse, lien, and portillon related to domain mechanics are not available for the purpose of these locations.
You need at least a month of active play before you can submit a location. You can of course, roleplay in these locations in public channels no issue.
Business Establishment (••) or (•••) This is now a requirement for Player Owned Locations, to represent the location’s benefits and its drawbacks. If you have a Player Owned Location, open a ticket.
To apply a location, please create a ticket using:
-ticket open (charactername) (location) |
In the ticket, use the following form:
**Location Name**:
**Known Faction Alignment**:
**Specific Header(s)?**:
**Known to be Kindred-owned by other Kindred**:
**Mortals inside?**:
Please provide us with good quality pictures for your location’s interiors.