Clan Meetings
Clan meetings are to be agnostic of sect or political ties, these meetings are called with the primary focus of the clan first. Even if the Primogen is running it and the character may be an Anarch, it is still about the clan with no relation to the political factors nor negative outcomes from being of a differing faction, unless reason is given.
Those shunned by the clan status, (not faction) will not be welcomed to Clan Meetings, though only the Primogen or representative-led ones will bar the shunned person. Meetings with an absent Primogen or Representative will be dependent based on the discretion of the attendees.
During meetings we will be using threads and a masterpost style similar to how we do campaigns to cover all of the topics that want to be discussed. What this means is that you’ll do smaller posts, even just one line sentences in this thread and when you feel it’s over or you simply want to, you combine all of your posts with a header and put it into the appropriate channel on server. This is to allow as much play as possible for different sized clans and timezones, there is no turn order unless asked for specifically.
You can either do one master post or a series of master posts, but you must post it within that week to get the experience for that week, unlike campaigns. If you are unable to because of the meeting running later than anticipated or because of timezones, you are free to let the Justicars know and they’ll add your exp on once the masterpost is made.
Meetings called by Players:
1. Players may write to their primogen or clan representative and they will get the word out for them, no longer do you need to meet PC individually and hand invite. As long as your character has written an introductory letter to the tower they will be informed of the meeting.
2. If there is a meeting that isn’t involving the use of the Primogen to inform everyone, or is a deliberate attempt to exclude a player character… The person organizing this must inform the player OOC within the clan channel and openly and in good faith communicate an outcome or a plot in which could be developed from this, prior to the meeting being arranged or held. Be considerate and polite to other players essentially.
3. If your character feels slighted or bothered by the outcomes or happenings during a meeting, they may write or call/text during and report this to their primogen. What happens? Who knows.
Meetings held by the Primogen or Clan Representative
1. Players can OOC ask for the meeting to be held by the primogen if the majority of the clan intends to attend or if someone plans on holding one and invites the primogen/rep.
2. The Primogen or representative will be played by an Archon or a Justicar and the SPC may be taking lead or may sit back depending on the direction of the meeting, they are there to supervise the behavior within the meeting. These meetings will always be held in a kindred-safe location.
3. Primogen meetings may entail some sort of mission or directive as they are more clan business-oriented. We are going to ask OOC for an agenda or range of topics that the clan would like to discuss prior to the meeting and if you have anything, please let us know.
Projects are a system from the book which we have adapted to better fit the style of roleplay that we do here on Seattle by Night. The system by RAW is intended to be used to gain things by using merits and other factors in the background rather than done in actual play, and is how it will function on server as well with some changes to the mechanics. When the project is completed in its entirety, those who participate either in the original project or the upkeep will have access to it without cost or need to update the sheet.
The process for a clan to begin a project is as follows;
1. Have a clan meeting with the Clan’s Primogen or Representative present.
2. During the meeting the characters may discuss their ideas and concepts for future projects, and it is best to note that these things are best done when able to be represented in dots. Such as merits, backgrounds or loresheets. More abstract ideas may need to be brought down and be considered how to approach and some of the conversation can happen in OOC threads to ensure that everyone is on the same page.
3. Once the ideas are pitched and characters are given their time to discuss, they may then bring it to a vote within the clan’s channel OOC. For any project to move forward, they must have the majority of the clan agreeing to it.
4. The type of project it will be is determined by what the task is. Gaining status with another clan or working with another clan will require your clan to mingle and connect with members of that clan which is a roleplay oriented task. (Do remember that self help is not permitted, so you cannot have your characters meeting together even if working on a project. Someone else of the clan must meet and befriend your characters.) Projects guided more towards STed scenes with rolls and the like will use the project system I will describe below. It’s also important to note that smaller scale projects are better as you will be able to build upon the projects as you complete them.
1. Once the clan has agreed upon what they will do, your clan’s rep will begin setting up the task with what rolls will be done at what diff and what merits may be used. Depending on the task, teams may be offered to help diversify and allow as many PCs to participate as possible. Please decide which team you will be on once it’s presented, you may be only on one, as that is something the ST will need for the next step.
2. You will then make a Launch roll as a team (or teams depending), which cannot be used for leveling nor can you surge or use WP, but can include TW from your team. Retainers may not add to or replace the roll of another PC; you can however use a boon from SPCs to buff the pool even more (but once spent it’s gone). The roll is different from regular rolls in the sense that it will be a skill+merit/discipline(when against mortals)+TW. Any merit used must make sense in the scope of the project, a loresheet about descendants is unlikely to be helpful but a mawla, resources or other merits will be. The difficulty here will be called Scope which is a modified version of the RAW Scope, we do suggest smaller projects to make scope less daunting.
– On a Crit they do not lose any merits as stakes.
– On a failure, you may retry but the scope goes up by 1. It keeps going up until they complete this or a smaller project.
– Total fail, gain an enemy or something worse.
3. If your team succeeds in this roll without a crit, they will give up a set amount of Stakes (merits) which will not be accessible during the project’s duration to represent them doing the work in the background. These merits may also not be used for the following weekly rolls as they are spent keeping the project moving forward. The Stake is determined by the Scope+1 with the margin of successes from the launch roll minused. So you do want to roll very high to reduce the cost. You will now inform the ST about what stakes you are offering, be it retainers/resources/mawla or other things. It does not need to be the same thing used in the launch roll but it must make sense and have approval from the ST. If you are overextended and do not have the merits to give, you will instead gain flaws such as enemies for the project’s duration. Please note you may mix and match merits as well, mixing and matching a contact and resources to equal the amount needed works. But remember that people may not be divided up, so if your stake is 1 and you give up a 3 dot contact, you will still lose the entire contact rather than 1 dot worth.
4. Each week your team(s) will make rolls to represent the project, and as long as they succeed the task will remain on schedule. These rolls will be Skill+Merit+TW and same as the launch roll without being able to surge or use WP nor can be used for leveling. Remember stakes may not be used here.
– If the teams all win, things progress as planned. Their timeline will go down one week.
– If the team loses, they are haulted by something and progress isn’t made. The following week they will have the same timeline.
– If they total fail, the project is seriously tampered with and instead of getting no work done, something severe happened and set them back. They go up one week after reset on their timeline.
– If a team completes before the other, it is not done till all projects are done. Those who are done may aid others if they are able to with their pools without altering the test.
5. When the task is completed, they will be able to access the merits and the stakes will be returned.
6. Upkeep after completion. Once a month the entire clan/those who want the merit will contribute to the TW roll, but since there are no stakes, they must have the applicable skill. You can buy in by adding to the pool after its completion by contributing to this roll.
– If it succeeds, everything is good.
– If it fails the first time, they can keep the merit but the diff next month is +1
– If it fails the second time, the gain is temporarily lost and the diff the following month is now +2
– Third failure, the project is lost and the gain is permanently lost; to regain it, they must start a new project.
Example Project
Step 1; A clan wants a neutral ground for practicing kindred things.
Step 2; They break into two teams to accomplish this or more depending on the nature of the test.
– Team 1; Scouting property that is secluded and out of the way. Streetwise+Applicable Merit, TW applied as long as they have either the skill or an applicable merit. Examples for this would be criminal contacts, retainers, etc.
– Team 2; Hiring on a construction team for the clan to secure and fortify the location. Finance+Applicable Merit, TW applied as long as they have either the skill of an applicable merit. For example, retainers who can do business or resources.